Wednesday 25 February 2015

unit 21 outcome 1
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Trade unions

 Broadcasting, Entertainment, Cinematograph and Theater Union.
 BECTU is The UK's media and entertainment trade unions sectors covered include broadcasting, film, independent production, theatre and the arts, leisure and digital media.

Equity is a trade union that represents artists from across the arts and entertainment industries.

Directors Guild of Great Britain
A trade union representing directors across all media. It offers help with contracts, a campaigning voice and organises seminars and screenings.


A trade union is an organisation or a group that workers join so that they can have their interests and goals well represented.
In today's world workers have assumed great importance. The employers have started to realize the importance of workers. The employees too have started to form Trade Unions to protect their interests. Bosses around the world have recognised that the best way to resolve issues is by way of dialogue.
The employees have realised that to protect themselves from exploitation, unity is very important. This is one of the reasons why trade unions have become so important today.

Trade unions also sometimes act as representatives of workers in case of legal matters
The rights of the employees are better protected. For example, they cannot be unjustly removed from work.
And to employees Since the individual rights of workers are better protected and well represented, they tend to be motivated. This results in higher levels of efficiency and improved productivity.

"Every three years, the Writers Guild negotiates a new basic contract with the AMPTP by which its members are employed. This contract is called the Minimum Basic Agreement (MBA). In 2007, negotiations over the MBA reached an impasse and the WGA membership voted to give its board authorisation to call a strike, which it did on Friday, November 2, 2007; the strike began the following Monday, November 5, 2007.
Among the many proposals from both sides regarding the new contract, there were several key issues of contention including DVD residuals, union jurisdiction over animation and reality program writers, and compensation for "new media" (content written for or distributed through emerging digital technology such as the internet)."

NUJ/BECTU strike, March 2013

The impact that this strike had on tv producers and productions was production ceased for all scripted television programming, hundreds or thousands of support staff were laid off by the studios. The AMPTP estimated that WGA writers and crew members in the latse union lost $342.8 million in wages. 
All scripted Hollywood shows except "October road" were shut down in 2007. a certain Hollywood journalist reported, "CEOs are determined to write off not just the rest of this TV season (including the Back 9 of scripted series), but also pilot season and the 2008/2009 schedule as well. 
 Many television writer-producers who are WGA members found themselves contractually obligated to continue their production duties while simultaneously barred from performing writing duties during the strike. In a show of solidarity with the writers, approximately 120 show-runners marched in Burbank on November 7, 2007 and many decided to honor the picket lines entirely, refusing to perform even their production duties during the strike.

Freelance contracts

what does it a mean to be freelancer in media
A freelancer is someone who doesn’t work for one company full-time, but is hired by different companies for certain jobs. For example,  a TV production crew might hire freelance cameramen to work on one series of programmes.

Editorial guidelines
Editorial Guidelines are the values and standards of a company. They apply to all content, wherever and however it is received.


"We must always safeguard the welfare of the children and young people who contribute to our content, wherever in the world we operate. " the BBC values young people and children from the age of 16 and under. all children and young people who contribute and interact with the BBC's content are protect under many codes for their mental and physical health+ safety. "People under eighteen must not be caused unnecessary distress or anxiety by their involvement in programmes or by the broadcast of those programmes."

 BBC: Politics, Public Policy and Polls

the bbc has a strict policy when dealing with matters of politics, public policy and pols. their principles are set with the " agreement accompanying the BBC charter". they follow principles such as: 
  • "We must treat matters of politics and public policy with due accuracy and impartiality in news and other output. "
  •  We must not express an opinion on current affairs or matters of public policy other than broadcasting or the provision of online services.
  •  We must not campaign, or allow ourselves to be used to campaign.
it is highly important for a TV producer to follow the guidelines set by the TV company. the guidelines are there to inform them and assist them in the industry. guidelines on health and safety for example will assist the producer and help them create a safe environment for the cast and crew, if not followed it could resolve in major injuries and law suits.  in order to cultivate a healthy relationship between themselves and the TV companies producers must follow the guidelines set by the companies for it is the professional thing to do and it prevents them from legal troubles.


The british board of film classification was founded by the film industry in 1912. it is in charge of the national classification and censorship of films within the uk.  " The BBFC is the UK’s regulator of film and video, providing age ratings such as U, PG and 12A. We are a designated body so have legal powers to rate, and sometimes cut or even reject works."

PG stands for parental guidance. films of which are rated pg are suitable for people of all ages. however those films shouldn't disturb children from the age of 8 and over. the films are allowed some form of moderated violence if justified by the content of course: fantasy movies. they are also allowed to showcase mid language,sex,and drugs references.

Films under the category of 12A are deemed unsuitable for young children. in fact cinemas are only allowed to supply tickets to a young person of the age of 12 if they are only accompanied by an adult of 18 years or over.  Films under this category can contain mature themes, discrimination, soft drugs, infrequent strong language and moderate violence, sex references and nudity. Sexual activity may be briefly and discreetly portrayed. Sexual violence may be implied or briefly indicated.


rated 15 movies  are Suitable only for persons aged 15 years and over, not to be supplied to anyone below that age. It is illegal to knowingly rent or sell a 15-rated VHS, DVD, Blu-ray Disc, UMD or game, or supply cinema tickets for a film with this rating, to anyone under the age of 15.
Films under this category can contain adult themes, hard drugs, regular use of foul language and limited use of very strong language, strong violence and strong sex references, and nudity without graphic detail. Sexual activity may be portrayed but without any strong detail. Sexual violence may be shown if discreet and justified by context.

The hunger games.
the hunger games was originally rated a 15 by the BBFC but after cutting 7 seconds from a graphic violent scene the movie were able to get the rating it wanted . a 12A, after that the film became a blockbuster and was extremely successful at the box office. however the parents who took their kids to watch the movie felt that the movie was controversial as if showed the violent nature of a rated 15 movie than a 12A. they didn't quite like their children being exposed to such violence.

The dark knight

the Batman sequel is the most complained about movie of the last decade in Britain, with 364 complaints.
the dark knight was rated a 12A 69 percent of the general public agreed on the rating the film go but the rest disagreed. they thought the films dark tone, use of knifes and the way in which the joker makes the pencil disappear through a mans eye socket was too graphic for the young kids watching. 

personally i tend to agree that both films were controversial with their rating. as a 19 years old teenager i am quite fine watching the violence that is within both movies . however children that are 12 years old are still quite young therefor the film could affect them psychologically.  

when screening a movie one must always be extra cautious to the audience. young people must always be protected with the films they watch and the films content. films like fight club, gone girl or kingsman the secret service should never be shown to an audience filled with 8 year olds with their teddy bears. the reason behind i raise that argument is because all those films contains strong violence if which is extremely graphic and detailed and a lot of sexual references and scenes. this is because of ethics.

ethics are like moral codes, personal beliefs in what's right and what's wrong. vegetarians ethics are : they are against animal brutality so they refuse to eat meat that came from a murdered animal.

ethics and moral come from our parents, religion, culture, friends and the media.

media programs play a vital part in shaping our morals.
programs such as arrow which promotes heroism and doing what's right, suits which teaches us that there is always a consequence in breaking the law and there are many ways to break to law than just the obvious one, murder. programs are most effective when we are at a young age and our minds are still developing.

should Tv programs be more ethical?

can Tv and film be blamed for the slipping ethics of society?

Should TV be more ethical?

Absolutely, I do think that TV must be ethical simply because we live in the age of media. the media is a huge part of our lives and takes up the majority of our time. as human beings we are easily influenced by things around us and due to our need of constant entertainment, we turn to TV programs, music shows, dramas, series and many more. that is the main reason why TV should be more ethical because it is a huge part of a lot of people's lives.  however I do think that ethics should be set according to the target audience of particular shows. TV programs that targets young children ought to be ethical and teach them valuable lesson that'll shape them into decent human beings as they get older. and teenager should also be the subjects of motivational and aspirational ethics in TV programs. adults are a different case because they are fully grown aren't easily influenced because they know what's wrong from right. artists have and should keep their rights to express themselves however they want, sometimes it is in a dark manner that blurres the lines which is fine because if it is for the right type of audience then no ethical rules will be broken.

Can TV and film be blamed for the slipping ethics of society.

Ideally no but sadly yes. I am open minded when it coms to this question because I believe that as humans we have the capability of holding on to our core values and not be easily influenced by anything we set our eyes on. but that's not always the case , not everyone poses the strong mentality that shuts out unnecessary outside influences. I recently had a conversation regarding the book and film "50 shades of grey" my friend who is a female expressed to me that her as a feminist ,she strongly disagrees with the content of the book and film. both book and film contains themes of sexual dominance , some would even say rape and brutality. I tend to agree with her when she said 50 shades of grey is not a film all people should watch because it promotes themes that our society should shy away from. the film is an 18 so yes it is suitable for its target audience but like I said not everyone has a strong mentality to shut down all influences from the media, one could easily see the movie and actively try to recreate those scenes and end up ruining someone's life hence the brutality and sexual violence.

my answer to this question changes depending on who the target audience is. if its adults then i absolutely do not think that the tv should be blamed because every adult knows what's right from wrong. unless they have mental problems or other psychological problems then their behaviour shouldn't be justified by " its because i watched this tv show". shows such as breaking bad that promotes drug dealing or house of cards that promotes murder in the pursuit of power are shows that have questionable morals indeed. but as an adult audience member who watches them they should know that drug dealing and drug use is illegal, they absolutely know that murder is in questionably illegal.  when in court the law wont be bend simply because the accused used " i watched breaking bad so i started dealing drugs" unless they are mentally unstable they will face the punishment for their crimes.

when it comes to children, kids and teenagers the rules become different in my eyes. their minds are still young and developing so even if they may think it's silly or disagree that the programs they watch won't affect them, they're stuck in denial , they really do affect them.
in the victorian era being pregnant as such a young age as 16 without being in a marriage was ridiculously scandalous. young girls who got pregnant at such young age outside of a marriage were seen as dirt and disowned by their family. personally i don't agree with the way they were treated but i still think getting pregnant at such a young age without a life plan, secured job... is some what irresponsible because not only the young parents will suffer but the child will too. but shows such as 16 and pregnant or teen mum may not intentionally promote teen pregnancy but without meaning to they do by showing a pregnant young girl on one of the highest Tv network of our time " MTV on her own reality episode.  here are some quotes about people who expressed their opinion on the show.

( MTV needs to check itself: MTV "is doing our society a disservice" says John Cave Osborne in Babble. "Even if the intent of [these] shows is to discourage teen pregnancies," it seems there's a pretty good chance they might "accidentally" be encouraging teens to get pregnant. That's not defensible, "not even for all the ratings in the world."
"Sure fire way for teens to get on TV: Become pregnant")

( Reality TV has gone to far: Reality TV has always been about "exploiting people's problems" and "assuming they would do anything for fame," says Rabbi Shmuely Boteach, as quoted in PopEater. But inspiring teens to get pregnant as a route to celebrity? This type of television is no longer just "exploiting problems. It is now creating the problems."

Big brother
The big brother clip showcased a lot of behaviour that made me as an audience member uncomfortable as i watched it. what started off as an argument escalated to bullying and eventually racial comments. this raised a lot of questions to why big brother would show that whole clip because it was filled with strong language, verbal abuse and many other bad behaviour. the only reason to why i think channel four would show the clip is because it genuinely fit the purpose of the show. they put housemates in a house and wait for drama to happen which is exactly what happened. however i do think that they should have shown the clip because i felt really uncomfortable seeing that women be abused like that and even to the point where her race became the reason behind the abuse. as an adult i think it affected me and im going to go out there and do the same but the fact that even young children watch the show is one of the main reason to why that clip shouldn't have been shown. 

Tv programs that promotes bad behaviour

  • Geordie shore
  • jersey shore
  • my super sweet 16
  • x on the beach
  • 16 and pregnant
  • teen mum
  • two and a half men
  • house of cards
  • californication
  • skins
  • misfits
during our class activity we discussed in pairs which topics should be shown on television. our options were subjects such as abortion, execution, bullying, real life crime and violence, self harm and more. our opinions varied a lot some of us though certain topics such as real life crime should be shown and others such as self harm or abortion shouldn't. in the end we came to a conclusion that we were contradicting ourselves, in the past i have said we as human beings we are capable of watching a crime show and not go out there and start killing people but in this activity i said subjects as abortion shouldn't be shown. the main reason why i said abortion shouldn't be shown is because its a sensitive subject and it would cause a lot of complaints from the audience. but my statement still appeared to be a contradiction to my past one. i think this goes to show that we make these types of decisions based on our own personal morals and personal beliefs as people. what the tv can and can not show is being dictated by a persons personal morals ( the TV show runner) . 


what was surprising the most to be about what's aloud at certain ages was mainly about the 15 rated movies. they are allowed themes such as strong violence, drug taking, sexual nudity , portrayal of sexual activities and more. i would think those are themes that a 15 year old who is still in school should be exposed to.

case study

  • clockwork orange
in 1967 the bbfc was shown a screenplay of stanley kubrick's film a clockwork orange and were concerned that its "unrevealed diet of vicious violence and hooliganism" wasn't acceptable and the film wouldn't be shown.  after its production once the film was made the submitted it to the bbc in 1971, the regulation between the age appropriate for an x rated film had changed from 16 to 18. the bbfc saw the film and decided to give it an x rating, they though yes it contained some strong violence but it never exploited, it was done respectably.
however when the film came out it caused some trouble in the media and some young people took up violent activities trying to copy the film itself, after being threatened along with his family kubrick decided to remove the film from the uk for safety reasons but it remained available in the rest of the world. it wasn't until his death that his familyu agreed to have it resubmitted to the bbfc which it did and got an 18 rating in 1999

  • freaks
the film freaks by Tod browning was made in 1932. the film has had a very bad luck ever since it came out. it was received badly by the audience and critics due to the fact that it wasn't respectable towards deformed people. the film even had a short run at the cinema as MGM pulled it and stopped it being shown altogether. the case of "exploitation of deformed people for commercial reason " was still being made. in 1952 the film was then rejected by the BBFC after being submitted by arthur dent, director of adelphi films. the war went on year after year until the film was promissed an x rating only if suitable cuts were to be made on the film. in 1963 the film had a limited release at an art house in london as an attempt to let audience themsleves decide wither the film exploited the deformity of its cast. the film received great reviews and seemed to have gotten its point across such as " The point constantly being made, one way and another, is that the real monsters of this world are not physical but mental; that the strong and the beautiful may well be much more horrifying than the maimed and deformed."
in 1994 the film received a 15 rating after long discussions wither it was a pg , 12 or 15. some members of the BBC thought visually it was suitable for a pg rating and others thought that it content suggested maybe a 12. other had the concerns that a 12 year would not understand the film on a mature level and it might scare them so the film got to be rated a 15. it wasn't until 2001 where the film was released as a 12 and opinions around it had changed dramatically. people felt that yes youths should see it as it was educational to them and made them understand social tolerance of the deformed clearly. 

juno is a comedy drama about a streetwise 16 year old girl who gets pregnant and decides to give the baby up for adoption. the film originally was submitted to the bbfc with the request of a PG rating. in the end the film ended with  12 A due to some of its themes. the film had some strong languages such as " f..k" which appeared in the movie  including the moment of which juno realises she is going into labour. the bbfc thought the strong language wasn't used directly at anyone in the film so it was suitable for a 12 A . the film also contained some sexual reference which played a part in preventing it from getting the pG rating it's makers would have wanted. the references were very brief as the only sex scene in the film was never actually shown it was only implied. the only complaints the film received was from parents after its trailer which contained sexual references and strong language was showcased before the screening of a kids movie.

Fight club is a film by David fincher starring brad pitt and Edward Norton. at its screening at the venis international film festival the film received mixed reviews. some critics were pleased with it as they thought it was stylish and the performances given by Edward Norton and brad pitt were outstanding. other critics were outraged with the amount of violence and hated its dark tone. some critics even said ""a toxic experience ... an inadmissible assault on personal decency ... and on society itself. It resurrects the Führer principle. It promotes pain and suffering as the virtues of the strongest. It tramples every democratic decency underfoot." the film was submitted to the bbfc in 1999 for an 18 rating which the bbfc thought it deserved by they were concerned about their guidelines on glorifying violence so they request the film to make a few cuts on their fights scene. they advised the makers of the film to cut the scenes that showcased a helpless man getting beaten to a bloody state as he let It happen to him and the scene of which Edward fights a blonde man because he is jealous of him. after the cuts the film received its requested rating an 18 in the uk and in the US it received an R.