Thursday 19 September 2013

Audio and editing homework


After listening to the sound audio i decided to do my task on the highly anticipated musical of 2012...les miserables , starring Hugh jackman , anne Hathaway , Russell Crowe and more , our task to watch a movie and describe how the music or soundtrack in it makes us feel , this particular film is filled with numerous music but i chose to talk about the very last song that the whole cast performed right at the end its called “do you hear the people sing” . the whole movie takes you on a huge emotional journey using its narrative by mostly by its score or soundtracks , right at the end after valjean’s death it was tragedy so of course the music made me feel upset and sorry for him but when the whole cast started singing “ do you hear the people sing” i immediately felt a lot of emotions such as happiness , pride , the song was very uplifting as it went from low pitch to high pitch ,the orchestra played the music so well to the point you didn’t need to hear the words of the song to know what it was about you could hear the vibe and the message by just listening to the orchestra.

For this particular task I have chosen to talk about David o’russel’s movie silver linings the playbook .

There is an over the shoulder close up shot of tiffany facing pat ( two main character),the reason i think the editor used this shot and the director wanted it was because it went well with the narrative , usually in the other shots the background of the frame wasn’t blurred out you could the mise en scene perfectly as it was consisted of other people in the dinner talking and a tv with the news on but as soon as pat asked tiffany to break the law by giving his ex wife a letter , a letter which wasn’t allowed due to the restraining order she had on him , the editor blurred out the foreground of the frame which had tiffany in it ,along with the background which had the tv and people in it . This was done so the audience could only focus on pat as they wanted to show his facial expression but also it was a close up because he lowered his voice as he was asking her to do something she wasn’t allowed to do, the close up made us feel like we were right behind tiffany listening to that conversation.
During this movie the editor uses a transition when pat and his mate Danny are in pats mum’s car then she decides to drop Danny off the hospital but we don’t see him being dropped off the hospital we see a transition as he dissolves out of the shot, leaving us with a mid shot of an empty car seat , the editor used that transition as a quick way of telling us that Danny has being dropped off to the hospital .
Shot during have a way of triggering emotions in us right near the end when pat and tiffany are dancing the editor cuts trough a lot of shot but right when the music is about to finish as they do their last move the director used a mid shot showing pat and tiffany,the camera movement was a rotating anti clock wise pan movement and what the editor did with that was he blurred out the background of the fame leaving the focus only in the foreground of the two shot then he made that shot last for a few second to show the audience exactly the emotion that pat and tiffany were feeling as he held her in his arms and starred at her intimately.

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