Monday 24 February 2014

unit 29 assignment 2 production folder


call sheet

risk assessment


SCENE1. EXT. Ria’s office
As Elliot and Ria have a brief meeting in Ria's office, Elliot decides to address the issue regarding his upcoming music video; the lack of backing dancers. 

We really need to start holding auditions for backing dancers!!! Were shooting the music video in a week, i need my dancers GOD maynnnnnnnnnn.
All right ill make some phone calls and we'll get dancers in tomorrow.
“aighttt cool let em know i want some street dancers with swag , you know what I’m sayin'”
“Hahaha don’t be silly, ill get you some dancers you just go home and get some rest, you’re performing on Alan Carr tonight.”
“Haha yeah ima go and do that, PEACE!!!”


The next following day which is audition day, as Elliot ands Ria his manager are in his rehearsing room where the auditions are being held, kiera walks in with a smile of her face and also filled with excitement and introduces her self to Elliot.

“Hi my name is kiera, I'm here for the music video audition.”
“Hi nice to meet you, I'm sure you know who I am.... okay lets get this party started, you ready?”

Elliot then starts playing his guitar and bumping his head as kiera awaits for the beat to drop, the beat then drops and Elliot starts singing with kiera dancing. 

Emman also walks in and has the same identical audition as kiera, but during his audition on the third verse emman decides to stop his dancing, takes the mic of Elliot and starts rapping the third verse.
Confusion is all you can see on both Elliot’s and his manager's face but after a few seconds, they start dancing along to the beat as emman gives a rap performance. 


Elliot and his manger decide to use both dancers and record the music video on a green screen with a choreographed dance.

location scouting sheet

Friday 14 February 2014

unit 29 assignment 2 ( script )

As Elliot and ria have a brief meeting in Ria's office, Elliot decides to address the issue regarding his upcoming music video; the lack of backing dancers. 

Elliot: we really need to start holding auditions for backing dancers!!! were shooting the music video in a week, i need my dancers GOD maynnnnnnnnnn.

Ria: Alright ill make some phone calls and we'll get dancers in tomorrow.

Elliot: aighttt  cool let em know i want some street dancers with swag , you know what Im sayin'

Ria: hahah Don't be silly , ill get you some dancers you just go home and get some rest, your performing on Alan Carr tonight.

Elliot: Haha yeah ima go and do that, PEACE!!!

The next following day which is audition day, as Elliot ands Ria his manager are in his rehearsing room where the auditions are being held, kierra walks in with a smile of her face and also filled with excitement and introduces her self to elliot.

kiera: hi my name is kiera , I'm hear for the music video audition.
Elliot: hi nice to meet you, I'm sure you know who i am.... okay lets get this party started, you ready?
kierra: yes

elliot then starts playing his guitar and bumping his head as kiera awaits for the beat to drop, the beat then drops and elliot starts singing with kiera dancing. 

Emman also walks in and has the same identical audition as kierra, but during his audition on the third verse emman decides to stop his dancing, takes the mic of elliot and starts rapping the third verse.
confusion is all you can see on both elliot's and his manager's face but after a few seconds, they start dancing along to the beat as emman gives a rap performance. 

After that , Elliot and his manger decide to use both dancers and record the music video on a green screen with a choreographed dance. 

Thursday 13 February 2014

unit 6 assignment 3 (final)

violence= fighting , weapons, swearing, brutality

gratuitous  ( violence): its their for entertainment

informative :  ( violence ) its their to teach us something , we need to see the violence to learn about it

desensitisation : you see something that much you just don't care about it no more , violence doesn't shock you anymore.

arrow season 2 episode 11 , death stroke scene

i felt really excited as he killed the 4 characters, the violence was gratuitous as death stroke literally killed those guys in a matter of 5 seconds which was both amazing and exciting.

my reaction was a very dramatic one as i felt like jumping off my chair because i was " geeking out"

my reaction was the preferred reading because that violence is suppose to make us fear but also feel excited whenever the character death stroke is on screen .

the effects model is a theory, a theory is somebody's idea therefore a theory can be wrong. its somebody's idea so we can choose if we agree with it or not.

frankfurt school

society made up in individuals who were easily influenced by the media in that it would later alter their behaviour , the effects model is how your behaviour is changed by the media.

the two description of the effects model theory are the hypodermic needle or syringe.

it means if you see certain behaviour on the tele or a video game, you would go away and copy that behaviour.

not everyone would see it and do it but some do, these people are easily influenced such as children . people may already have mental health difficulties or emotional problems.

the effect theory does make sense but not everybody is passive, some of us are active and have common sense.

moral panic : it means creating a panic about something that is seen to be damaging our society

1990s: violent films could influence child behaviour- Childs play 3 and the killing of Jamie bugler.

a moral panic is part of a cycle , a scapegoat is used to blame and issue on; then people are persuaded that this issue is happening everywhere; increasing the panic and never really solving the problem.

latest moral panic : video games breed violent behaviour , its society looking for a scapegoat. its based on rumours and suggestions.

the alternative to the effects model is uses and gratification.

its focuses on why people uses media products

opposite the effects model which is focusing on what the media do to people (passive)

it suggests that the audience is active ; they actively use the media for a purpose

: to entertain , inform or identity.

video games linked to violence

  • Mortal combat
  • Grand theft auto
  • Call of duty
  • Death race  - mortal combat banned - grand theft auto

Mortal kombat: on november 22, 1997, thirteen year old noah wilson died when his friend stabbed him in the chest with a kitchen knife. the mother of noah, alleged that her son was stabbed to death because of an obsession with the game MORTAL KOMBAT.

"Mortal Kombat" jumped out because of its realistic, digitised graphics -- and the gore they depicted.


opinionated blog post

many people think that video games are to be held responsible for peoples behaviours and actions, they often blame everything on the video games whenever a violent act accurs and is committed by a gamer.but personally i think that that theory is wrong, of course if the person was suffering from mental disabilities then yes in some case they can be influenced by the games they play, but for the rest of us that isn't the case. we are all responsible for our actions no matter what and we have the option between doing good or bad , saying that people behave a certain way because of game is pretty much saying that we have no free will and were just passive. my self i've been influenced by movies, after watching the great Gatsby and seeing the kindness that the character nick caraway had and the loyalty he offered to jay Gatsby ,i thought it was very admirable and day to day i try to possess those qualities towards everyone ......but thats a choice i made for my self it wasn't simply because i was influenced by the film and directly started behaving that way, it was because i saw admirable qualities in a character and decided to in-body them my self. we all have a choice to do good or bad , video games or movies don't have the power to make those choices for us.

call of duty
French terrorist played violent video game Call of Duty before embarking on brutal killing spree of seven, says wife

Read more:
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many people have associated the game call of duty with criminal activities by saying that it affects them and turns them violent due to its level of realism ,violence and agressive first person shooter aspect.

training simulation

'Training simulation:' Mass killers often share obsession with violent video games

  • violentgames.jpg
    Several mass killers, including Anders Breivik, Jared Lee Loughner and Adam Lanza, were active players of violent video games, including "Call of Duty.," shown here.

the complaints about this game are that its realism and violence tend to blur the lines from reality and fantasy which causes the murderous behaviour in its gamers.

 Korean Killed by Starcraft (2005)
Starcraft is an online multiplayer game in which you command a fleet of space warriors and are plunged into battle with other legions of warriors controlled by other real people.  It’s so popular that professional gamers (yes, they actually exist) can make upward of $100,000 a year playing this game.  It’s an extremely addicting game and, when the man identified only as “Lee” succumbed to death, authorities said that it was because of “heart failure stemming from exhaustion.” 

the complaints about Starcraft is that its is very addictive and causes obsessive behaviours in its players by clouding their judgement and taking over their lives.

personally i don't blame the game for being violent, i my self play violent games sometimes but i still live by my morals which are violence or brutality of any kind is always the wrong option to chose. i would blame the people more than the game because at the end of the day they are the ones who made the choice to go out and commit the crime ,not the game.
                      different opinions of video games ( oppositional readings)

"Too much video game playing makes your kid socially isolated.  Also, he may spend less time in other activities such as doing homework, reading, sports, and interacting with the family and friends. "

i agree with these quote, too much video games can affect a child's social life and prevent him from maybe doing other things that they could benefit from such as doing exercise and more....

"A new study suggests a dose-response relationship among playing violent video games and aggressive and hostile behaviour, with negative effects accumulating over time."

i disagree with this study because i think a video game cant give you issues you don't already have, if the player is behaving violently and hostile thats simply because he already has those issues and he thinks blaming it on the game will justify his actions. but at the end of the day he has a choice...... he can chose to be good and not violent and hostile.

i don't think all these violent games should be banned , i simply think that people who needs help and are easily influenced by such games should receive all the help they need because they would benefit from it.

'Positive Effects of Video Games

  • When your child plays video games, it gives his brain a real workout.  In many video games, the skills required to win involve abstract and high level thinking.  These skills are not even taught at school.  Some of the mental skills enhanced by video games include:  
                o    Following instructions
                o    Problem solving and logic - When kids play games such as The Incredible Machine, Angry Birds or Cut The Rope, they train their brain to come up with creative ways to solve puzzles and other problems in short bursts ' games likes the incredible machine, angry birds,cut the rope or even brain training are seen as really positive games because of the impact they have the audience, especially young children because they play a massive role in the development of the child's brain by helping them become creative and very smart.

the audience responds extremely well to these games because they really do help them a lot, even parents can start to see the positive effect they have on their kids as the games opens up their mind by making them smarter and educating them as well as entertaining them. 

the effects model
personally i disagree with the effects model, my reasons are because its theory assumes that all audiences are passive which can be offending to some level. of course they're is certain people that are easily influenced due to their personalities but not everybody is, most people have the ability to chose what way they would like to act and they take responsibility for their actions. the theory targets video games mostly because people are afraid to take responsibility of their actions therefore they chose the easy way out by blame their behaviour on the games. just because we play violent games or see certain things in the media world doesn't necessary mean that were going to go out and do them, this theory only applies to people with certain mental conditions which can be understood but other than that, everybody is responsible for their own actions.

uses and gratifications model

i agree with the uses and gratification model, i think people do use the media for a certain purpose, wither its to entertain them, kill time, learn or more....... , for example: i think movies do teach us important life lessons, deep down a script of a movie they're is always a valuable lesson that the viewers can learn. as is watch movies i try to learn from it and take as much positive things from it as i can. the uses and gratifications model supports my theory, it doesn't assume that we are all passive but it respects us as individuals.

Friday 7 February 2014

unit 6 assignment 2

audience profile & focus group questionnaire

focus group

after having our focus group we learned that most gamers play these games for entertainment , competition and some are fascinated by the games. our chosen game was subway surfers and the gamers that played it all loved it, they all thought it was a fun game and also a cure for boredom.
some gamers thought that the game was for all age groups because of its simplicity and others thought the targeted age group was 8+.

but of course not good game is ever easy because that would make it boring, the gamers enjoyed subway surfers because the game got challenging on each new levels. of course every level you complete is a new high score your setting and the gamers loved beating each others high scores, which  lead us to believe that the reason most gamers like certain games and even get addicted to them is because of the challenging aspect of the game and the competition with their friends. the gamers that plays subway surfers are competitive with each other but also with themselves because they have this need to keep beating their high score. this focus group has lead me to believe that mostly young people play this game and love it.

both quantitative and qualitative research are good for the video game industry; quantitative to show the ratings a game got and qualitative to show all the reviews and peoples opinion of the game. but ultimately qualitative research is the better research for the game industry because it lets the game makers know what the gamers thought of their game, which in turn helps them when it comes to making a sequel to the game and making it better. qualitative research can also help the game makers know the amount of people that enjoyed the game or hated it by simply reading the reviews.

the focus group was more valuable to me than audience profiling simply because i got to see the gamers play and i witness their reactions to the game, audience profiling can be based on stereotypical assumptions but focus groups are direct opinions from the gamers themselves. i got to know what the gamers thought of the game and the reasons why they enjoyed the game and some answers were different even thought they were coming from two gamers from the same psychographics and social economic ranking which proved the focus group to be more accurate than audience profiling; Connor thought the game was for everyone, people of all ages because its simple but Jamie thought differently, he thought the game was for people from the age of 8+  because the game got challenging after a few

a focus group is useful for the industry because they allow you to get personal opinions of the target audience and they help you find ways of improving and will allow productions to progress by gathering information and basing the games or media products on a specific audience.

this is a site that explains typical gamers, the article explains how in the past gamers were described as obese , unhealthy ,lazy and nerdy people with no social life. but not as the gaming technology has evolved into the sensations that are the xbox, ps3, ps4.... the whole theory on gamers has changed " ultimately though, the gaming landscape has completely changed and the old stereotypical gamer is dying out. we now have families gaming together; xbox 360s and ps3s are permanently housed in living rooms as opposed to being shunned to bedroom or unplugged and tidied way after use."

The section of the game we chose was this part where the character is running on the tracks as it is simple and it shows why we target certain audiences. This part of the game is very colourful and it looks easy to get ahead in. The game looks colourful and bright which attracts a younger audience -children both male and female. 

The common answers for our focus group questions were that people play for a small amount of time on the game as a way to pass the time but not as a hugely addictive game. That people play it because it is free but they might not pay for it if it cost money. We found that people generally liked the game and that they didn't find it particularly challenging.

the positives and negatives of your focus group
The positives of our focus group were that it helped to see why people play the game and to get other people's opinions. I feel that the negatives of our focus group were that there weren't a lot of people to collect the feedback from. Another negative was that the opinions weren't very big so you didn't get enough feedback to know a lot about a gamer or the enjoyment of the game. 

Thursday 6 February 2014

unit 6 assignment 2 ( game reviews)

reviews from

These reviews are helpful in terms of qualitative research as most of the reviews are peoples opinions of the game most of them are positive which is great for the game but some are also negative. it does contain some quantitative research as what the critics rated the game and what the other users thought of it.

review from

This review is highly useful in both qualitative and quantitative data , it gives you some insight of the game and what the game is about and describes it well and accurately and it tells you who the creators of the game are. But it also gives you some useful quantitative data such as; statistic of the game and many more.

review from

This review from amazon is very useful especially with its quantitative data ,it lets you know the ratings the game got from stars and numbers. And not only just that but it also compares different reviews to give people a variety of reviews.

Wednesday 5 February 2014

unit 29 assignment 2 ,music video idea

Rest of our life by Jason Derulo

The song is sang by Jason Derulo and its sang about him and his girl.

The music video will start off in a dance studio as auditions are being held by 4 judges from a big dance company. The male lead character that this music video is based on will enter the dance room but in that brief moment he'll cross paths with an attractive girl , her beauty will get his attention and he'll be forced to turn back and look at her as she walks away slowly. The judges will be surprised because all the other auditions were ballet dances and the dancer will be dressed to do a street dance performance, he'll be wearing Jordans, a hat some dancing joggers and other accessories. The judge on the left will say to him hi , how are you doing ......... focus on one thing and give it all your best, the male character will look back at the door and get a flash back of that mysterious girl's face as she looked at him and that will be his focus .

A medium shot of the 4 judges will be shown as the look at dancer then a quick cut to a low long shot of the dancer , the camera will zoom in to the dancer slowly then it will quickly zoom back out into a medium shot as the music starts playing. The music video will use 3 cameras that will be set up as a triangle so we have footage of the dancer from different angles.

During the performance there will be cuts to close ups shots of the judges as they react to the dancers moves and take notes, then quickly go back to the dancer dancing. The video will also contain close ups of the dancers feet to show the dancers footwork. Mid-close up shots of the dancer will show his facial expression and how energetic the performance will be, during the chorus there is a section where the song goes from being upbeat to a really rhythmic slow paste, the dancer will interpret that change of paste in the song by changing the dance style from a fast street dance freestyle to a body roll dance move from Barbados ( jason derulo is from the Caribbean) so the dance move will represent him, he also used to same body roll move in his video for the other side, but as soon as the song picks ups the paste the dancer will go back to street dance (body popping and choreography).

Every single time the chorus will be playing the camera will focus on just the dancer as it is the most uplifting sections of the song. the use of slow motion will be really effective simply because it will make the dancers moves look amazing. 360 camera movements will be made around the dancer to create tension just before the beat of the song drops and when it finally drops a medium shot of the dancer will be shown to show his dance movements and the emotions in his performance as he's mind is focusing on the mysterious girl.

The lyrics and the characters in the music video will add the narrative aspect on of the music video genre, the dancer will create lyrical interpretation moves as the choreography will match the lyrics of the song in different sections of the dance routine. The dance moves will interpret sections of the lyrics such as " touch your hair", "if i asked you to stay" "right here with me", the moves will match those lyrics .The song itself has a very happy vibe to it and the judges will feel the vibe and start feeding positive energy to the dancer.

This video will represent jason derulo because he is known as a dancer and he dances a lot in all his music videos

The dancers outfit will be quite urban to represent Jason Derulo therefore the dancer will have "swagg" as Jason Derulo would say.

The choreography will be very good to professional standard so will the freestyle and the choreography, it will contain a fusion between street dance and contemporary dance also native Caribbean dance.

This music video was inspired by both Step 1 and Step up 2 ,the use of the dance studio in both movies is what inspired the music video to be shot in a dance studio and the fact that both movies have judges as part of their characters is what inspired  the music video to have some judges in it.

The main lead character which is the dancer will be played by me as i am a dance and can choreograph the music video perfectly.