Friday 21 March 2014

unit 30 & 5 assignment


first idea.

final storyboard
risk assignment

Who Are EE?

EE is theUK's most Advance digital company. EE are one of the first networks in britain to provide a rapid speed 4G service competing with fibre broadband. EE are a link of Orange and T-Mobile plans, giving over 27 million customers a high quality network and claim to have the BEST Service. EE has the biggest amount of customers and was awarded the best network in the UK by Mobile Choice magazine. EE are building the best mobile service possible by investing 1.5 Billion over the course of three years to give superfast 4G mobile services over 160 towns and cities. This is building on their 15 billion investment since the year 2000 building britains biggest 3G phone service is now covering 15 million households. EE Has a heritage of innovation and was created by bonding two major mobile brands, T-Mobile and Orange, Which combined in 2010.

Challenges of The Brief

The challenges of our brief are simple, we need to show that 4G is better than 3G. How ever, not many people actually have 4G. It also may be hard to get permission to use the location we want to use (A House). The Technology we will need consists of a DSLR camera, a boom pole, Phone (preferably with 4G) and Lighting.

People Roles

Director: Emman Shema.
Production Manager: Alex Davidson and Charlotte Makin.
Graphics/Editing: Elliot Dugdale and Alex Davidson.
Camera Operator: Charlotte Makin, Kiera Spinks, Elliot Dugdale, Alex davinson, Emman Shema

Timescale for filming

Our filming schedule was between Wednesday and Thursday where we shot different versions of the advert that we decided to wanted to shoot on the two different days. After finishing editing these adverts we will choose which one we like the best and choose.

For our Filming we will need the following props:

Prop list
Sheet Music stands
shot list

EE presentation


we held a focus group and also interviewed a couple more individuals about our advert, the questions were:

1. did you enjoy the advert or not ?

2. did you think the advert fit its purpose? was the communication

4.what did you like about the way the advert was shot?

5.what impact did it have on you?

6.would want to join the company EE after watching our advert?

7.what did you like most about our advert?

focus group review:

the majority of the people we asked loved our advert, " i knew what was going on in the advert without even needing to hear the dialogue or voiceover"-john.  we shot our advert as if we wanted the camera to tell the story itself with no narrative and thats exactly what the audience from the focus group thought of it. "the advert fit its purpose because before it i didn't know what EE was as a company but now i know that not only its a network company but it also has 4g which is the best network"- David. everyone thought the advert fit its purpose because, making this advert we knew we had to promote the company EE and 4G, which is exactly what it did,judging from the comments of the focus group.

"the advert flowed well with the music and narrative"
"it had some really good camera movements 'pan' "
" i really liked the zooming part"
"i liked the colour change because it helped the narrative"
"i like the different camera shots and angels that the advert had"
"i liked the music in the background because it really set the mood"
those are all good comments we got for the cinematography of our advert, they were the preferred comments that we were looking for when making this advert and it was pleasant seeing the way the audience reacted to it.

everyone thought the advert had amazing communication, they understood what was going on and what the narrator was saying but one audience member said" i didn't know the advert was promoting EE, i thought it was a film trailer"-Connor , we were shocked by his comment because everyone else thought we communicated our product well and they understood what was going on. so we decided to play the advert for him once more time and it turns out he didn't get it the first time because he was day dreaming but he got it the second time when he payed attention.

the advert had an amazing impact on the audience,
"it was aspirational"
"it was very cool and chilled"
"it had elements of humour"
"it was appropriate for its target"
"it looked so professional"
" the voice over was so relaxing"
judging from all these comments id say the advert was a success and it did more than we expected it to do. the only negative comment we got was "the last zoom out didn't work well "-dan, he was right because it looked a bit shaky and not as smooth as it should have been.
"the advert's script was poetic and the way the narrator spoke was poetic too"-emman's mum. 

the advert did exceptionally well judging from the fact that the we only got one negative comment. 

video commentary : director/producer/actors

advert comparison:


Life isn,t made for restrictions, life isn't slow, it doesn't buffer, it doesn't freeze , it only moves fast and its filled with great moments...moments of joy and happiness.

The camera moves around the actors as they watch videos and navigate through the internet with smiles on their faces as they are enjoying the perks of a good network.

but when it crashes on you, it leaves you with nothing but disappointment, frustration, rage....pure dispair.

the actors react dramatically as they go through different emotions such as: frustration,sadness,anger,rage..
but of course that doesn't have to be the case, at ee we offer you 4g, it is fast , reliable, and accessible at anytime and place... a network with no restrictions. bringing you nothing but great joyful and unforgettable moments.

as the narrator explains the possibilities of ee, the actors stops and pays attention to him, the after hearing the great perks of ee they go back to being happy because their bad network problems just got fixed.

Friday 7 March 2014

unit 30 assignment 1

 who regulates advertisement? the asa , they make sure they're suitable to the audience, they watch them and act on complaints. they make sure the advertisers are playing by the rules

the rules are called (the advertising codes) ,they check the adverts for the following things

A.S.A  advertising codes

charity : adverts promoting and informing the audience about a certain charity must not make the audience feel guilty and lack any feelings or appear to be insecetive by not helping their cause.

gambling : "permission to advertise gambling in great britain is restricted to operators licenced by the gambling commission, operators from the EEA jurisdictions- gibraltar and whitelisted juristictions " .
gambling operators wishing to advertise must comply with the advertising codes of practice which apply to the form and media in which they advertise in their gambling facilities or services.


"All advertisements in all forms of media that influence children whether contained in children's media or otherwise shall adhere to the principles and guidelines set out in this Code. Food and beverage advertisements that influence children are subject to the Children’s Code for Advertising Food. Reference should be made to the Interpretation section of the Codes of Practice." the rule is set to protect children , the adverts must be suitable for both older and younger children to avoid things like : trauma , distress and more....

adverts banned by the asa

The KFC advert weren't upheld by the asa but it still got a lot of complaints because its promotes bad manners.

the paddy power advert wasn't upheld but it sure was complained about a lot, the viewers thought the cat being kicked buy a blind folded man was offensive and the ad was insensitive to blind people.

Yves St Laurent Beaute Ltd (2000) 948 complaints - upheld

the yves St Laurent beaute advert was upheld , the public thought the ad was very sexual as it contained a nude model ,some thought it was a disgrace to women.


Thinkbox is the marketing body for commercial TV in the UK, in all its forms – broadcast, on-demand and interactive. they have numerous shareholders such as Channel 4, ITV, Sky Media, Turner Media Innovations and UKTV, they represent 90% of commercial TV advertising revenue through their owned and partner TV channels. they offer financial support as well as help advertisers get the best out of today’s TV.

the thinkbox tells us that viewers can, and do engage with television commercials in a clearly observable way.
it tells us that the majority audience watches the Tv to entertain them,educate them , to amuse them or relax them. but a very few number watches it to talk about it with friends or lift their moods up. the advantages of companies for working with the think boxes is the fact that the thinkbox gets everything right for the advert ,its less time consuming for the advertiser , its money well spent because they will get the best out of their advert with the thinkbox.  
a rate card is a document conatining prices and descriptions for the various advert placement options available from a  media outlet. the rate cards show the price of advert ,they also show when the advert is aired . they also negotiate the time and place where the advert can be shown and of course the number of available slots. the cost depends on the network and time, to broadcast an advert on itv during a famous show like the xfactor costs up to 200.000 pounds for just 30 seconds.

these are examples of rate cards from all over the world


Ratecard US$
Ratecard US$
Breakfast Peak
Breakfast Peak
Day Time
Day Time
Early Peak
Early Peak
Peak Time
Peak Time
Late Evening
Late Evening
Night Time
Night Time

Latin America

Ratecard US$
Ratecard US$
Breakfast Peak
Breakfast Peak
Day Time
Day Time
Early Peak
Early Peak
Peak Time
Peak Time
Late Evening
Late Evening
Night Time
Night Time

Middle East

Ratecard US$
Ratecard US$
Breakfast Peak
Breakfast Peak
Day Time
Day Time
Early Peak
Early Peak
Peak Time
Peak Time
Late Evening
Late Evening
Night Time
Night Time

North America

Ratecard US$
Ratecard US$
Breakfast Peak
Breakfast Peak
Day Time
Day Time
Early Peak
Early Peak
Peak Time
Peak Time
Late Evening
Late Evening
Night Time
Night Time

South Asia

Ratecard US$
Ratecard US$
Breakfast Peak
Breakfast Peak
Day Time
Day Time
Early Peak
Early Peak
Peak Time
Peak Time
Late Evening
Late Evening
Night Time
Night Time

think box did their research by doing a survey of 3000 people           
1.cameras in homes
the disadvatanges: only 22, there is a potential to be inaccurate,  the advantages are: the results are extremly easy to review and the audiences reaction is much more genuine due to the fact the footage would be shot like cctv footage or reality tv. the disadvantages are he fact not its only a few people, not a lot of people take part in it and according to the circumstances there is a potional for the results to be inaccurate.people may not give their honest reactions simply because by having other unfamiliar faces around them may make them shy or uncomfortable.

2.3000 person survey
 the advantages are: it gives you a good range of results to chose from, by doing a 3000 person survey you get 3000 results to chose from which is highly benefitial, but its disadvantages are the fact that` it isn't specific enough, the data is fairly generalised. surveys are really generalised therefore your results aren't always as specific or hard hitting enough. 

3. lab tests- people watching advert and discuss
the advantages are: you get  direct response and you more in control of the situation. by watching the people watch the adverts you get to see their exact reactions and they're much more accurate because body language doesn't lie. and also by discussing the adverts your in control because the questions are yours therefore you have more control of how the discussion goes. but the disadvantages are people may not answer honestly due to the circumstances , the answers could be forced and not genuine. people may answer dishonestly just to relate to the other people in the group, it's usually shy people or people with no strong characters, so by giving similar answers to the rest of the people makes them feel confortable. 

B.A.R.B : Broadcast Audience Research Board.
BARB are the official uk's provider of viewing figures to the viewing audience. the audience figures is quite important to the advertisers ,BARB provides those figures to the advertisers.

different adverts with different characteristics, structures and techniques.

the jaguar advert uses the form of  narrative  we know this because its use of characters and the way it follows them around. they should prove it using terms such as costume, setting, props, sound, etc). the style of the jaguar advert is quite serious, we know this because of the dialogue that's used in the advert and even the facial expression of some of the characters, but its dramatic aspect of it is what gives it the serious tone , we see this as the first narrator is getting dressed in a slightly dark room as he says his dialogue with a serious face.the advert does also have a humorous tone in its dialogue such as the final line the actor says "oh yes its good to be bad" with a smurk on his face. the characteristics used in the advert are lifestyle+ branding. we know this because the smart costume, setting and narrative that make the brand seem fun. therefore shows us a lifestyle we can buy into, which is the outfits like: suits,props such as: helicopter , a nice car and even a mansion.....a grand lifestyle.

the adverts techniques are hidden/covert, we know this because even though its a jaguar advert ,you don't realise it until the advert is over and the character says " we all drive jaguars". the adverts keeps the audience's attention by making the product mysterious though the adverts narrative.
this advert does well to persuade its demographic which is high class older men by reflecting to their life style with the suits, helicopter and sophistication. on top of that by getting a lists movie stars really does sweetens the deal and gets the audience more excited by the product.                                    

advert 2:  space savers advert 

the space savers advert uses the form of narrative as the adverts is based on a short story which is how the characters get in into a work out ,its centered on the first character which is a trainer , as she walks in with her sports costume and a radio as a prop. the adverts style is humorous, we notice this as we see the others characters ( the old people) dancing along to the pop music, the narrative is humorous too " shake what your mama gave ya". the characteristics of the advert are life style ,we see this in the way the adverts shows us a lifestyle thats quite attractive as the characters dance/workout which bring them joy and happiness as we can see from their facial expressions. 

the techniques used in the advert are hidden because even though the advert is about spacesavers glasses ,you don't realise it until the very end of the advert.

the advert targets its demographic very well, all spacesavers adverts are humorous, so by keeping their theme of humor they i

the blackberry advert uses the form of narrative we know this because it followed the character around as he was on his blackberry ,which was the prop that he used to create the magical illusions as he walked around the streets and other locations. the style of the blackberry 10 advert quite surreal we know this because of prop of the truck turning into duck toys , and the character him self disappearing by turning into rainbow smoke or even as he walks down the streets whiles he's on fire but from his facial expression he seems to be fine and painless. the characteristics used in the advert are branding.the advert showcases all that ou can do with the blackberry in a very surreal way which makes you wan to purchase it so you could experience the magic your self
the techniques used in the advert are, overt, motional responses. we know this it is obvious that the advert is for the blackberry as we see the character walking around whiles operating it, but it also trigers emotional responses from us from when he's on fire to when the truck that looks likes its about to kill the characters, which scares us for a split second right before the truck turns into toys and we're left smiling.

the adverts demographics are younger middle class people ,so by making the advert epic with all the graphics , they got the audiences attention because young people would be extremely impress with the technology that the blackberry has. 

compare the meerkat advert

the compare the meerkat advert uses the form of  narrative , its narrative form is shown by creating a story in the advert,from the character landing from his prop of a parachute and throwing a rock into the animated meerkats house as they were asleep which we can tell by their costume : robes. it is also an animated advert because the other characters ( the meerkats) are animated characters. the style of the advert is humorous ,we know this because of the actions of the characters as the man the throws a rock into the setting of the meerkat's house which a threat note that looks like it was written by a child .the characteristics used in the advert are lifestyle+ branding. we know this because the humorous costume, setting and narrative make the brand seem fun. its humor catches our attention

the techniques used in the advert are overt , motional responses. we know this because ,early on the advert in the note they mention compare the which directly tells us what the advert is about , and it also makes us laugh with the note and the meerkat throwing the rock back and creating a second whole in the window.

Bet365 advert

the bet 365 advert uses the form of  narrative and talking head  we know this because it tells us a story of how the two main characters are betting online on their prop of a mobile phone, it also shows us the reason to why their betting from the narrative and the setting which is a football stadium. its a talking head because the third character in the advert is a talking head that randomly appears. the style of the advert is humorous& surreal  we know this because because of the head random apperance of the floating head, the dialogue is quite funny too as the head try's to communicate with the other characters but they dont't notice it aft first, but when they finally do their reaction is quite calm and relax which is unexpected but also funny. the characteristics used in the advert are lifestyle+ branding. we know this because the humorous costume, setting and narrative make the brand seem fun. therefore shows us a lifestyle we can buy into.

the techniques used in the advert is overt, . we know this because the advert lets us know from the start that the advert is promoting bet 365 ,as we see the characters accessing the site through their prop of a mobile phone. through its use of setting ( stadium) it directly lets us know what the characters are betting on.

all five adverts uses different techniques ,structures and styles, from  humorous, branding, overt, hidden, to lifestyle and more, which work to their advantages for example: by using the narrative and lifestyle approach to their advert jaguar really does capture its targeted audience's attention. jaguars are cars for wealthy people so by having smart costumes such as suits and fancy settings like mansions and helicopter bases that wealthy lifestyle does appear to their targeted audience and even the people that wants to live that amazing lifestyle. where as the spacesavers advert chose to approach their with the same lifestyle approach like the jaguar advert did but adding humor to it made it successful because it looks fun and made the audience feel happy, plus everyone wants a joyful and fun lifestyle. all adverts used characteristics,style and form well enough to benefit from it.


The asa is the advertising standards authority, it is the Uk's independent regulator of advertising across all media. they apply the advertising codes which are written by the committees of advertising practice. their work includes acting on complaints and proactively checking the media to take action against misleading. harmful or offensive advertisements.

A.S.A  advertising codes

charity : adverts promoting and informing the audience about a certain charity must not make the audience feel guilty and lack any feelings or appear to be insecetive by not helping their cause.

gambling : "permission to advertise gambling in great britain is restricted to operators licenced by the gambling commission, operators from the EEA jurisdictions- gibraltar and whitelisted juristictions " .
gambling operators wishing to advertise must comply with the advertising codes of practice which apply to the form and media in which they advertise in their gambling facilities or services.


"All advertisements in all forms of media that influence children whether contained in children's media or otherwise shall adhere to the principles and guidelines set out in this Code. Food and beverage advertisements that influence children are subject to the Children’s Code for Advertising Food. Reference should be made to the Interpretation section of the Codes of Practice." the rule is set to protect children , the adverts must be suitable for both older and younger children to avoid things like : trauma , distress and more....

adverts banned by the asa

The KFC advert weren't upheld by the asa but it still got a lot of complaints because its promotes bad manners. as you can see throughout the advert that they actors are singing with food in their mouths. parents with kids felt that it was bad behaviour and more importantly it prompted their kids to sing with food in their mouths, a scary scenario would be their kids reenacting the advert whiles eating at kfc because they saw the advert.

personally i agree with the decision the asa made with not banning the advert because i don't see anything harmful, graphic or psychologically damaging in it. i do however lean towards the parents point of view as i have seen my own little brother imitate what he saw on tv at a young age. however that doesn't mean the advert should go , parents should teach their kids "just if their doing it on tv, it doesn't mean that you have to do it young man or young lady..."

Kazam Tv advert for the worlds slimmest phone banned for objectifying women.

The advert, created by Kazam, has been banned by the ASA after it received complaints from members of the public claiming it was "overtly sexual and objectified women". The ad opens with the shot of the back of a woman wearing just her underwear. It cuts to a scene where she runs her finger down her cleavage, bites her lip and moves her hand over her hip and thigh. The woman puts some jeans on, before she begins ironing a shirt to put over her exposed bra. The mobile phone eventually makes a brief appearance when the woman finds it in her shirt pocket."Introducing the world's slimmest phone," a voiceover states.
"According to the ASA website Kazam Online Ltd said their ad played on the idea that the phone was so slim that it could easily be forgotten as it was left in a shirt pocket. "They said it played on a well-known scenario − that is, ironing a shirt, in your underwear, before going out. Because the phone was slim, the actor did not notice it was being ironed," ASA add."
A lot of the comments were raised by women, they felt as though the ad objectified them and was rather sexist. speaking for most young men i would say that we would like the advert because the girl is attractive but in all honesty i don't see what she has to do with the phone, i agree with audiences who raised the complaints as i believe that women should be treated with respect and not objectified. with all my shame brought by the fact that the advert sort of got my attention because of the attractiveness of the actress and not its content, i can see why the company made that choice because it was a demographic targeting tool , but in the end , its shameful and wrong to objectify women in such a way. 
Protein shake ad banned for " masturbation"
the ad follows a couple of guys that appears to be shaking their hand below their waist, the camera never shows what they're shaking but the sound effects and the motion of their arm implies that they are indeed engaging in the act of masturbation. the most  scandalous part of it all is the scenarios, the very first scenario we see is a young man doing the "shaking" across an older women on a bus stop. other number awkward scenarios are shown and in the end a man who do doing his " shaking in the elevator accidentally gets whatever he was shaking on a womens back. the woman leaves and a wide shot reveals that they were infact shaking a protein shake.  "jokes on everyone with an active imagination "
The ASA said that the ad 'alluded to masturbation' and depicted a scene which indicated that a man had 'ejaculated' on a woman's back. many other complaints were made mainly from women and parents. 
personally i agree with the choice of banning the advert, the sound effects on their own leaves you with a disgusted feeling, i can see why the makers of the advert did it because that it indeed what everyone looks like whiles making a protein shake and it can be funny to some people, but not for television in the hours that even young kids are around. maybe at night time after celebrity juice.