Thursday 3 July 2014

single camera prod notes

. a single camera production uses one camera on locations thats aposed to a studio
. its got a process ... production and post production process.
. there is no real post production process with multi camera production
. expense: the expense is enough for just one camera
. performance.... because they are usually fictional stories, drama stories.
. location: because of shooting in various places you can only get one camera in those locations: small              rooms or houses
. crew: there is less crew on a single camera production
. shooting ratio: you shoot various takes for just one scenes, it gives you many options.... 10 minutes short film+ 40 minutes footage
. although they may use four camera in a scene it is still a single camera production because the majority of the film was shot with a single camera production.


serial: drama,

series: 24

one-off (film)- american hustle

genre: drama, comedy, horror, etc...

narrative structure

. sequential/ linear: starts from beginning to the end

. non linear. doesn't start from the beginning to the end

. flashback ( reveals exposition )- it reveals the characters back story

. realist : 12 years a slave ...its set in the real world, follows the rules of the real world.

. ending- open/closed: open ending narrative has cliff hangers, unanswered questions, closed ending is when it leaves you with no questions, it gives you some kind of resolution.

technical story telling.

. (create meaning via technical codes): camera shots, camera ,movement, editing, sound, M.E.S,
.enigma= mystery to engage the audience.

narrative structure

the characters has to have a need
3 act structure:

act 1: -introduces characters: protagonists and antagonists.
         -sets the world, something about the film: aliens...then it introduces aliens.
         - end of act one has to have an inciting incident: frozen- the inciting incident is when she freezes                her sisters head

act 2: - obstacles increase in threat
         - protagonist finds the first solution.
         - lowest ebb. when things cant get any worst than they are.
act 3 - final solution
        - climax- overcome their biggest obstacles

unit 22 assignment 2 character bios



James Harley, 17 years old, average height, average weight and also has bright brown hair. James lives with his mother but not his dad, he never met his dad, sadly his dad past away when he was young.  His mother is caring and loving mother but, she’s always in and out of relationships with horrible men. As much as she loves her son James Harley, she’s unable to do the one thing that would help him, settle for a nice man who would accept James as his son. Affected by his mother’s relationships and the trauma caused by the abuse of her boyfriends, in his early years James developed a fantasy prone personality disorder, he day dreams constantly and sometimes his day dreams are extremely vivid. Although he has these daydreams, he isn’t truly aware of what disorder he suffers from. Unlike most people with strange disorders James isn’t an outsider, he has supporting friends and is popular with most of the college students, he’s an adventurer and also a hopeless romantic like his father before him.

Lucy Adams

Lucy is 17 years old, has long hair, green eyes and noticeably short. Lucy inherited her mother’s looks and her father’s personality; her mother is a well admired beautiful women and her father is a kind loving man who has a keen obsession of helping helpless people but also is quite reserved and quite.She’s stuck in a relationship with Joe parker (the college’s basketball team’s point guard), their relation has reached its climax, it’s at the point of disruption, Joe is to controlling and not exactly a good boyfriend but she stays with him despite how doomed their relationship is, she can’t help it she only sees the good in people.

Joe parker

17 years old, good looking, tall, dark hair with brown eyes. James has the perfect life according to himself, he comes from a wealthy family, he’s popular at the college thanks to his good looks and his athletic talents and he’s currently dating Lucy Adams, a girl that’s liked by everyone. Joe is a self-absorbed, mean and horrible person to people he considers un-cool, on top of all that, he is truly obsessed with his hair.

Alexander Blanco

Alexander Blanco, 29 years old, dark hair, dark skin with dark brown eyes. Alexander was a tall man from Monaco, he wasn’t married and was in and out of relationships (commitment issues due to childhood trauma). he was a well-dressed man, had quite the eye for fashion and ears for music but he was famously known for being emotionally 10 years younger than he actually was. He was everyone’s favourite teacher and also a great friend. Alexander suffered from bipolar in the past but it wasn’t an issue anymore, although he was able to control his bipolar from a very young age thanks to his supportive mother who still lived in Monaco, sometimes he spoke with no filter which would be harsh on the rare occasion but everyone loved that about him. In his younger years he was quite the performer, he danced and also took part in some plays, He loved performing. not only is he a teacher but also a senior tutor whose foul mouthed and a slightly corrupted teacher, which of course is one of the reasons why he's loved