Thursday 3 July 2014

single camera prod notes

. a single camera production uses one camera on locations thats aposed to a studio
. its got a process ... production and post production process.
. there is no real post production process with multi camera production
. expense: the expense is enough for just one camera
. performance.... because they are usually fictional stories, drama stories.
. location: because of shooting in various places you can only get one camera in those locations: small              rooms or houses
. crew: there is less crew on a single camera production
. shooting ratio: you shoot various takes for just one scenes, it gives you many options.... 10 minutes short film+ 40 minutes footage
. although they may use four camera in a scene it is still a single camera production because the majority of the film was shot with a single camera production.


serial: drama,

series: 24

one-off (film)- american hustle

genre: drama, comedy, horror, etc...

narrative structure

. sequential/ linear: starts from beginning to the end

. non linear. doesn't start from the beginning to the end

. flashback ( reveals exposition )- it reveals the characters back story

. realist : 12 years a slave ...its set in the real world, follows the rules of the real world.

. ending- open/closed: open ending narrative has cliff hangers, unanswered questions, closed ending is when it leaves you with no questions, it gives you some kind of resolution.

technical story telling.

. (create meaning via technical codes): camera shots, camera ,movement, editing, sound, M.E.S,
.enigma= mystery to engage the audience.

narrative structure

the characters has to have a need
3 act structure:

act 1: -introduces characters: protagonists and antagonists.
         -sets the world, something about the film: aliens...then it introduces aliens.
         - end of act one has to have an inciting incident: frozen- the inciting incident is when she freezes                her sisters head

act 2: - obstacles increase in threat
         - protagonist finds the first solution.
         - lowest ebb. when things cant get any worst than they are.
act 3 - final solution
        - climax- overcome their biggest obstacles

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