Wednesday 17 September 2014

unit 33 assignment 2


Inspired by the parable of the good samaritan. a Jewish traveler is robbed and injured on a Journey but the priest and Pharisee although looking at him do nottcharacter ds they nteodeffects parabt to becomethe main ... while a samaritan despised by the jews does stop and help the man even taking ambient sound, sound tracks, an inn and paying for him this shows how we shoudramatic thneighbours. although the original story was set in jerusalem and in the old age, my stop motion will be set in the 21st century and the characters will be non human characters. the moral of the story will remain... in life we should aspire to be nice to our neighbours and make the world a better place through great acts of service.

The opening of the stop motion will showcase the mise en scene more than the character. The location will be an empty street. The right side of the street will look appealing to the eye and rather fancy as a representation of wealth and upperclass. The left will look less appealing with less beautiful buildings, but both will have one thing in common and thats street art. The street art will have some messages with them about humanity such as; stop the violence, gang signs, the sign for "where is the love" and more. there will be a narrator in the background.

The story will then take place as the main character is introduced, he will have the appearance of a solidier as a way of getting the audience to sympathise with him at first sight. As he walks down the neighbourhood he will be attacked by what a gang of rogue who will assault him badly. After the assault  as the narrator continues the priest will walk past the assaulted victim so will the rich man. At last the character representing the samaritan will have the appearance a foreign soldier. he will then care for him and help him resume his journey, the setting will change as he enters the house , the art and decoration of the house will carry some messages with them too about humanity as the mise en scene in the first act did. The story will draw near to its end as the narrator explains the message behind the story and some art reflecting on our world will appear on the screen.

The stop motion is targeted at a general audience; from young children from the age of 5+, teenagers and adults, the message behind it applies to both children and adults. Every aspect of the stop motion from the mise en scene, dialogue, character and music will be carry a message that is related to everyone. 
The stop motion will be more appealing to religious people who are more familiar with the parable.
Christians are more familiar with it because it is in their holy book ( the bible), but the overall message of the parable is found in other religions such as islam: "the qur-an: if you give alms openly, it is well; but if you do it secretly and give to the poor, that is better". the buddhist know it as the act of charity.
The use of modern street art, popular music and the dialogue will attract the other part of the audience which is non religious people.
The use of the upper class and low class sides of the street will aim the video at both different group of people. The use of toy soldiers will draw the children's attention in, the use dialogue of the narrator will appeal to the adults. The music will attract the teens as some song will be songs from the charts that reflect of on the mood of the scene; as the soldier walks down peacefully happy by pharrell will play but the minute the gang makes their appearance the music will change into a kanye west song with a hard tone. 

More importantly the street signs will appeal more teenager and adults from 16+ as they will contain signs such as the international sign for peace, love and so on. They will be drawn in an artistic way that will catch the eyes attention at first glance. 

The deign of the characters will be really specific; all characters will be soldiers but there will be a difference is uniforms. the soldier playing the role of the good samaritan will have a darker uniform from the soldier that's been attacked; the reason behind that difference is to show that you dont have to look the same or be the same to help each other. the antagonists of the story will poses guns as props to villainise them.[[[

My stop motion is similar to the "the walking dead: episode 2- mercy of the living (stop motion) that is found on youtube. Besides the characters, its mise en scene is impressive as it is real live designs of houses, streets and props. Just like the walking dead stop motion, my stop motion will have a mise en scene that resembles real locations. It also uses a range of shots from all angles and sides, the character is shown from every angle and side. That is the storytelling element of my stop motion that will add more interest in to the animation. Just like the walking dead stop motion, mine will use sound effectively to prompt the audience into anticipation danger and feel emotions.

Peer analysis of treatment 

the reviews of my treatment by fellow classmates were rather helpful and insightful. they all agreed with the plot and narrative of the story but their common comment was " it is an important message for both old and new generation; treat people the same way you would like to be treated, with love and kindness.
everyone understood the characters and could visualise thanks to "the great detail that was in the description" charlotte makin. everyone understood the targeted audience and understood why its a broad target audience because " it a story thats proven to be appealing to people of all ages, children and adults" matt ben.

everyone saw the genre not because i said in the treatment but because of the plot of the story, they thought i did infact use examples of other similar videos and one that really stuck out to the majority was the "walking dead stop motion" as they appreciated the detail in the mise en scene.
there were no suggestions made of other videos to examine, everyone thought the description of the set design that i described in my treatment was going to be similar to the one used in the walking dead as it resembles real locations. they complimented me on the detail in the principles and choices that i have made ,especially the choice to use soundtrack to create anticipation and emotion.


set designs

character designs


the stopmotion will begin with nothing but ambiet sound as the wind blows. at the 5th second a soundtrack will appear along with the narrator as the story begins, at the tenth second the main character will be introduced and a change of soundtrack will appear, the purpose of the soundtrack change is to communicate the mood and emotions of the character (happy).
a few seconds after a dramatic soundtrack change will take place as we introduce the antagonists. the use of soundtracks will indicate the emotions and also help communicate the narrative. sound effects will be used as the main character gets abused as a tool to add realism to the stopmotion. 

the narrator, ambient sound, different soundtracks, and sound effects will all be used to help tell this story.

 i certify this work as my own

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