Friday 12 December 2014

unit 32 assignment 2

Production diary 

  • as i began to think of ideas for idents, popular music became my biggest inspiration. as a dancer i know that the one feeling that music never fails to provoke in us is the need to dance as we listen to a good song. i began watching some of the biggest pop music videos that's been in the charts along with other idents from channels like MTV, 4music and became very clear to me that my music countdown ident was going to involve a dancer and some good music.
  • i got an idea for my second ident of a documentary show, the ident would be shot with one single camera, the subject of the documentary would be in the frame along with the interviewer. the camera would slowly pan from an over the shoulders shot of the interviewer to a two shot of both subjects on screen and the channel logo would appear on screen. it is a simple idea but settle and some what classy for a documentary.  the documentary would be based on the reining champions; the basketball team of Ashton sixth form.
  • my mind map is coming along very well , although it contains more pictures than words at this point but some progress is definitely being made.
  • my storyboards are probably the easiest part of the whole production. i think they communicate where my imagination is and what each ident will look like.
  • i changed my ident for the reality TV show slightly, ive added in  the aspect of basketball to ma it relate able to the young people who play basketball, especially my friends.
  • i cant seem to find a great idea for a documentary, it feels like alot of ideas have already been made and id rather not be the guy that copied someone else's idea.
  • finally with the help of my friends i was able to come up with an idea for the documentary ident. as i sat down in costa i was surround by friends and we were all eating , laughing and talking. a song came on the radio "waves" i noticed the different emotions all of us expressed the minute we heard the song, for some it bought back memories of a certain party, most of us started dancing in our seats and the rest started dancing. so i decided that the ident would be for a documentary that's based on the subject of how music makes people feel.
  • the deigns of the idents came really quickly, faster than i expected. i struggled a little with the music documentary but eventually i got round it. 

music countdown

1. the setting is a young teenager sitting down in a room he puts his headphones on and the music starts playing (Good kisser by usher) . as he listens to the song he starts to dance to the beat of the song, after each two seconds flashes of real life music videos of his favourite artists begin to appear in his mind and he cant stop dancing. the countdown has already started and is almost over, at the last second the logo of the channel appears from a dance a move he just performed and the screens fades to black.

music video flashes:

1. Chris brown ft usher- new flame
2. Ariana Grande ft the Weeknd- love me harder
3. Jessie j ft Ariana Grande & Nicki Minaj- bang bang
4. Usher ft Nicki Minaj- she came to give it to you
5.Iggy Azelia-fancy

Moodboard for music countdown ident


reality tv program: ashton ballers

Ashton ballers is a reality tv show that follows the lives of young adults who are trying to make a name for themselves in the basketball community.
the setting is of three or two young teenagers on a basketball court, the first teenager takes a shot and he makes the basket, the video quickly cuts to his interview; a two shot of an interviewer and the player. the second player is shown as he performs fancy basketball move and goes for the basket, he makes the shot and as the ball enters the hoop, the video cuts to his interview scene as he talks to the interviewer. the camera would slowly pan from an over the shoulders shot of the interviewer to a two shot of both subjects on screen and the channel logo would appear on screen. the speed of the ident will be a slow motion montage to create a dramatic feeling.



how music makes me feel

How music makes me feel is a documentary that looks at the topic of music and the emotions it triggers from people. its main target audience is a young people as they are the ones who are more consumed with music than anyone else. 
the ident will be a montage of peoples reactions to music, the main reaction ofcourse will be dance so; the ident will start with just one individual dancing, it will cut to another individual dancing but the dance will appear to be different to the first persons because no one really freestyles the same way. a group of people will be shown dancing together, then a transition will be made to showcase some other strong emotions music inflicts which will be someone singing rather passionately, footage of live concerts will be shown to show some fan reaction to a performer on a mass reaction and then the logo for itv will appear. 
Mood board


Mind map.


i certify this work as my own 

unit 32 assignment 1 designing idents & powerpoint

what is an ident
its a graphic logo that runs before a program.
it is related to a particular channel or program and they can have more than one.
they are informative.
idents reflect the attitude of the channel.
an ident can offer clues on the type of people that watches the channel; gender and age
the ident could give an identifications of the type of program that is to come on next.

why do we use an ident : purpose

idents can be use to give breaks in between programs.
idents market to the audience whats coming on next.
the idents are also played to keep the audiences attention, it hooks them.
idents indicate a particular season or holiday.
ident designs also links with the genre of programs of which are about to be shown.
idents can be gendered, they can be aimed at a specific gender.

examples of idents:

female audience:

this ident is targeted at a female audience because of its use of feminine colours and the channel itself is called "pop girl".

male audience:

this particular ident is aimed at a male audience as it has a dominant alpha male actor in it and the graphics in the background are quite masculine and not feminie. but a female audience would be attracted by it too due to how attractive they find the actor.

the purpose of an ident is to persuade the audience and convince them that the chanel or the upcoming program would interest them.
the purpose of an ident it to create brand identity. it reflects the goal of that channel and its culture or values.

some channel don't run advertising so they rely on their idents to sell their programs.
the main purpose is to give the audience a break but also stop them from turning the channel.
they map out their schedule over the course of day ,month and year.

style of idents


outside setting
camera kit
editing transition


adobe after effects
cinema 4d

bbc one:

set- green screen
camera kit
after effects

film 4

the film 4 ident was made in adobe after effects but it was made to look as if it was shot from an actual set.


the 4 music ident used both a set and visual effects with the addition of some cast and props.


this ident is a one shot of a turtle and some graphics.



more viewers
increase in revenue
refresh/ reinvent/ reimage brand identity


possibly lead to more work
recognition (awards etc)
building your portfolio / reputation.


  • the brand will not always be satisfied with the design, they might want something different
  • the client might not be sure of what it is that they want, or have clarity of their vision
  • the clients brief maybe vague or detailed but limits your creativity if you have to include certain things.
  • the time scale could be unachievable due to a short deadline.
  • management of criticism
  • the client might make some last minute changes to the brief causing you to restart the project.
  • you may experience some technical failures.
  • if you fail to deliver as expected it may damage your reputation.

boring props/setting/colours/costume/sound


long shot/tracks/ no inovetive movement or technique uniqueness?- nothing that shows channel programing range


neon round tyres/ range of people/ variatioj of life

Dave ident 

limitations in design:

the design of the ident was rather boring, it was a one shot of a turtle as it moved slowly.
the design lacks entertainment , its simplicity lets it down. the sound is irritating and not "cool" at all.

limitation in creativity:
there are no other camera shots or humourus movement which makes it boring and makes it seem rather long. it makes Dave appear to be an odd boring channel

how to make it better

to make the ident better they would add in more camera shots and creative movement. the ident would also be extremely humorous if the turtle did some gangster dance or any dance at all rather than walk very slowly.
Five ident

limitations in design:
the ident looks really simple and gives the impression that no effort was put in making it; it is really simple but not in an artistic way. the sound has a depressing vibe to it which makes the audience less enthusiastic to the news.

limitation in creativity:

lack of creative grahics; the only graphics shown are " five" and "news". there is nothing that paints any picture in the audiences mind about what the channel five news covers or is about.

how to make it better
to make it better, the designer would have to put in some attention grabbing graphics, some enthusiastic and better backgrounds of the world or news topics.
BBC ident

limitations in design: 
the sound is irritating to some nerves of the ear; it doesnt inflict any positive emotion when i hear it, it only angers me . the graphics are great but they are too predictable and not that original. the graphics are too flashy and not that artistic.

limitation in creativity: 

lack images, doesn't really visualise the world like they are trying to do; maybe be some images of each country would help.

how to make it better 

add in more pictures, a better soundtrack, less could be a lot in their graphics. although the ident is memorable, it isn't in a good way.

Analysing a suite of idents: BBC 4

design: key colours, text, speed, space

range of bright colours 33 secs,40secs
text box for logo white and black, the letters stands out and they are sophisticated
the speed was quick  , it pulled at the ninth second+ images at the 30th seconds.
the full frame is used , it distracts + confuse ; the close up of some squids.
the logo is at the center which makes the audience focus on it.

purpose: what it's for? its audience?

creative: most creative bits. what brand identity?

bbc 4 birds idents

design: key colours, text , speed and space

black + white - the bllack and white text is sophisticated
speed: starts at 0 to 0.04 waves , 00.20-22: waves
the logo is in the center
the waves moves from full screen 0.07 to dots 0.41

purpose : what for? audience

the ident was designed for active viewing
the audience are looking to be engaged, there is a variation of life and culture.
it keeps the audience from turning over

creative: most creative bits ,what brand identity?

black dots form into birds
sound of huming+ non diagetic of seasdide stimulates the mind
it backs up as this ident reprersents seaside in a surreal way.
waves 30 seconds , birds at 12th second
the logo is part of the flock- the birds are around bbc four in the center

BBC 4 ident john smith

 design: key colours, text , speed and space
it has some vibrant colours at the 10th second and 12th second
the text is black and white , it's sophisticated
the logo appears on the bell chime 1 second- 4 seconds
pictures are scaled every 1/2 seconds
zooms out 7seconds fast
splits into 4 throughout , it anchors to the channel number

 purpose : what for? audience

keeps viewers from turning over- stimulating images
breaks up programmes- sound variety of images- map out scheduels
it is targeted to a specific genre-bee, see
its demographic is 16-34 as it is quirky : bee bee sea iv

 creative: most creative bits ,what brand identity?
  images refocus - 7 secs- pictogram  of bbc four
sound matches images
 it reflect the brand identity - active ident


the first ident i thought it was the most creative ; the way that it was shot and the hand transitions was a creative way to engage the audience and keep them watching.

the second ident i thought was better at targetting the audience, the design of the ident (blue seas side theme) meant the audience really had to concentrate. the type of person that watches bbc four from my research watch it for a purpose, this ident fits nicely.

the third ident seemed more suitable for a specific genre of a programme; because the images of bees and sea could reflect the content of a nature programme maps out the tv schedule.

Idents powerpoint\

i certify this work as my own

Monday 1 December 2014

studio production diary

I really love my job role as the floor manager, the floor manager gets to work with everyone in the production from the director, vision mixers, presenters, camera operators and so on... , it's helped me gain great problem solving skills and enhanced my team work abilities.

in our folder i was responsible for writing the script of the show as well aswell as writing and directing the vt.

I am greatly committed to my group as i want nothing for success for us. i love working with everyone is our group , our group chemistry is great.

being the one who came up with the idea you could say i am a big fan of it, i've always loved movies and hearing other people review them as well as getting into discussions about them. our show does exactly that so the movie fan in me couldn't be more happier.

During our meetings we discussed each other roles and what we were all doing to fulfil those roles. the production manager assigned us all with different roles such as , researching our topics, getting the graphics done and ready;  harry took over that job since he was the vision mixer. I was assigned the VT so I wrote the script for it with the help of Callum. everyone else had different jobs assigned to them and every meeting we would have we would get an update from each departments.

We also had a discussion regarding our presenters, our director Alex felt that the presenter and guests on the show should have some chemistry, so we all decided to offer those roles to will, Connor and Elliot. it was a great choice because they are close friends.

Our rehearsals were very useful because we noticed a lot of things that needed changing; the script needed to be written differently so its easy for will to follow and that one thing we picked up from our first rehearsal.  we later went on to discover that in order for our graphics to work , will had to be positioned on either the left side of the screen or the right so there is enough room in the frame for those transitions. rehearsing made us more confident and it also made the whole process fairly easy when we finally got around to doing it. the vision vixers got all the practice they needed, so did the sound engineer, camera operators, director and floor manager.

Some problems that we managed to overcome were on the first day as our guest didn't show so we had to improvise and get the floor manager to jump into the role. but eventually he made an appearance and we were able to use him as a guest . one of the other big obstacles were the fact that the VT's sound and video wouldn't play in sync so we managed to convert it to an mp4 format in order for it to work well.