Monday 1 December 2014

studio production diary

I really love my job role as the floor manager, the floor manager gets to work with everyone in the production from the director, vision mixers, presenters, camera operators and so on... , it's helped me gain great problem solving skills and enhanced my team work abilities.

in our folder i was responsible for writing the script of the show as well aswell as writing and directing the vt.

I am greatly committed to my group as i want nothing for success for us. i love working with everyone is our group , our group chemistry is great.

being the one who came up with the idea you could say i am a big fan of it, i've always loved movies and hearing other people review them as well as getting into discussions about them. our show does exactly that so the movie fan in me couldn't be more happier.

During our meetings we discussed each other roles and what we were all doing to fulfil those roles. the production manager assigned us all with different roles such as , researching our topics, getting the graphics done and ready;  harry took over that job since he was the vision mixer. I was assigned the VT so I wrote the script for it with the help of Callum. everyone else had different jobs assigned to them and every meeting we would have we would get an update from each departments.

We also had a discussion regarding our presenters, our director Alex felt that the presenter and guests on the show should have some chemistry, so we all decided to offer those roles to will, Connor and Elliot. it was a great choice because they are close friends.

Our rehearsals were very useful because we noticed a lot of things that needed changing; the script needed to be written differently so its easy for will to follow and that one thing we picked up from our first rehearsal.  we later went on to discover that in order for our graphics to work , will had to be positioned on either the left side of the screen or the right so there is enough room in the frame for those transitions. rehearsing made us more confident and it also made the whole process fairly easy when we finally got around to doing it. the vision vixers got all the practice they needed, so did the sound engineer, camera operators, director and floor manager.

Some problems that we managed to overcome were on the first day as our guest didn't show so we had to improvise and get the floor manager to jump into the role. but eventually he made an appearance and we were able to use him as a guest . one of the other big obstacles were the fact that the VT's sound and video wouldn't play in sync so we managed to convert it to an mp4 format in order for it to work well.

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