Tuesday 13 January 2015


what is news:

  • informative
  • recent
  • important
  • social network
  • television
  • newspaper
  • online
what makes a story news worthy
  • the story could be a hystorical event
  • it could be relevant on a global scale : terrorism in paris
  • the topic could be based on popular culture so its audience will be vast
  • important person
  • it has to affect us

jeremy meek's mug shot serves as his modelling portfolio.
 jeremy Meeks who was arrested on a weapons charge in the USA signs a modelling contract, his mug shot served as his portfolio after being posted on Facebook.

this story is newsworthy simply because it is a very unusual story, and it also has a glimmer of hop[e in it as a man who hit rock bottom and found a silver lining from his situation. it isn't major news worthy but it is appealing to a young audience. mainly youth.

what makes this story news worthy:
.breaking down the star (famous people)
.makes them seem flawed like everyone else.

jeremy meeks

  • it is unusual 
  • it is appealing 

1. millions rally for unity against terrorism in france.

6.'boyhood' tops globes, grandboodapest' upsets birdman

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