Thursday 5 March 2015

unit 16 editing techniques


  • invisible editing
invisible editing is editing that is hidden to the audiences eye. it's purpose is to keep the attention of the audience and not distract them.

  • jump cut
A jump cut  is a cut in film editing in which two sequential shots of the same subject are taken from camera positions that vary only slightly. 

    • continuity editing
    continuity editing creates a flow to the viewer making the connection between two shots seamless and flow naturally.

    • cross cutting 
    cross cutting is a technique that is use to connect two similar scenes together back and both. it appears when the film keeps cutting from two similar scenes. it showcases action happening in two different places at the same time. 
    • matched cuts
    a matched cut happens between two objects, two different spaces, or two different compositions in which objects in the two shots graphically match. it often helps establish a strong continuity action and linking the two shots metaphorically. 

    • cut on action
    cutting on action is an editing technique that is used when cutting on a physical movement to make it flow naturally to the audiences eye. 

    • early film 1903
    • the first film was the great train robbery by the lumier brothers. they used basic cuts and shots in their film. it contained no conventions for film but conventions for the theatre.
    the lummier brothers 
    • early film 1903
    • the first film was the great train robbery by the lummier brothers. they used basic cuts and 
    •  shots in their film. it contained no conventions for film but conventions for the theatre.
     1920: silent film era.

    • in the 1920's film makers began to experiment with more complex stories in their films, they started using more shots variations to tell their stories along with the 180 degree rule. the 180 degree rule helped the audience understand time and space

     1940: hollywood studio system + the addition of sound in movies
    • the films began to have more narrative development, more conventions, more shots variations were established along with the use of montages. a great example would be the film citizen kane

     1960: American new wave. 
    • during the 60's came the era of the alternative films which are also known as independant films or indie films. these films had unconventonal film editing techniques such as : jump cuts, the use of different cuts and unusual shot choices. filmmakers believed that editing can influence the audience greatly so they began to utelise it more with films such as : bonnie and clyde, raging bull, easy rider...

    the use of jump cuts in 1967's bonnie and clyde was new to the audiences eye, it sort of disturbed them a little just to gain the attention even more deeply. editing began to be a form of telling a story without any dialogue needed. the audience sensed the seductive and desirable nature of bonnie because of the shots that were used to trigger the imagination shots such as a low mid shot of bonnie's skirt that didn't reveal anything due to the lighting but certainly triggers reaction and emotions from the audience.

    raging bull 

    raging bull began the age of the anti heros. martin scorceses created a character that wasn't exactly the ideal hero but the audience sympathised with him and couldn't help but love him. the film showcased a lot of brutality which shocked the audience of that time because it hadn't be done like that before. the shots of brutality were close up shots and the duration was extended for a purpose of telling the story in a new way. it made the audience feel as if they are part of the scenes and were  third party to the drama created by the actors. 

    1980 and 1990's: big budget action films

    • big budget action movies took over and editing was used to create pace and excitement with the use of cross cutting, match action and more 

      in top gun the use of quick cuts were used to keep the audience on edge and excited about the action, at the start of the video the cuts are made at a certain paste that is rhythmic to the audiences eye. the reason behind that is the effect that it creates inside the audience, the cuts were cut on a beat and  the rhythm created anticipation for something big and excites the audience,in this case its jet fights.
    from the 90's and on came digital editing softwares such as final cut pro,avid, cgi and visual effects in films. films such as toy story were made along with many others.

    editors of the film "the matrix reloaded" used quick cuts as a generic convention of an action film which
    satistified the audience as they were getting what they wanted; quick cuts dramatic fight scenes, cutting on action as the actors fought and more. but as visual effects were established and began to become a huge thing, the editors chose to extended certain shots rather than use an incredible amount of cuts. this allowed the audience to take in the action even more and clearly. the fight actors began to train and learn fight choreographies which allowed the editors to wow he audience by showcasing a 30 seconds fight sequence with a wide shot thats panning around the audience slowly.

    today the editing relates to the genre of the films. a drama film usually use invisible editing and action films use quick cuts to emphesise the excitement. 

    actions films hav their own specific conventions such as quick cuts, explosions.. where as independent drama films have their own conventions that separates them from the action genre.

     A good example of todays movies is guardians of the galaxie. through editing and visual effects the film makers were able to established different worlds and characters that highlights where editing is now. the characters groot and rocket raccoon are purely CGI characters that speaks as humans with the correct human movements. technology today has allowed filmmakers to bring to live anything they can imagine through editing. this excites the audience because more than ever they feel transported into not only another world but another universe where anything is possible. that feeling is what makes them fall in love with movies even more.

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