Wednesday 25 March 2015

Unit 27 - Factual Programme Production Techniques for Television

Factual programme.

  • factual programmes is a genre of programmes based on non fiction and based on actual people and real events. factual programs are not an accurate reflection to reality because not all information about all subjects are shown, they are subjective and hand picked by the makers of the show. 
different types of factual programmes on tv
  • reality tv : keeping up with the kardashians
  • documentary series: years of living dangerously 
what is a documentary
  • documentary film is a nonfictional motion picture intended to document some aspect of reality, primarily for the purposes of instruction or maintaining a historical record. 
Different types of documentaries
  • poetic
a documentary which has a topic personal to the people involved , usually the presenter or the interviewees  the music is key as it develops the mood and tone of the story being told. including the message and values hidden within it. ( man with a movie camera)
  • expository
documentaries of this style are usually non fiction films. there is a direct access to the audience. (an incoviennent truth 2006)
  • observational
an expository is a documentary where the filmmaker is a neutral observer. life is lived and observed. it can then be seen how people and animals react to certain things. nothing is rehearsed or staged and the filmmaker is usually out of shot so they can influence what is happening.  (oasis)
    • participatory
    a participatory documentary is a documentary of which the events and situations presented are influenced and altered by the presence of the filmmaker. (surprize me 2004)
    • reflexive
    a documentary where the audience engages with the content of the documentary as it happens. they are made aware of the process at hand, the editing, sound and filmming. 
    (human trafficking) 
    • performative
    a documentary that acknowledges the the emotional and subjective aspects of documentary and presents ideas as a part of a context having different meaning for different people and are often autobiographical in nature. (tongues united)

    conventions (documentary)
    • real locations
    • the interviewees giving facts of themselves
    • filmmaker showing the audience footage of what's happening
    • narrator narrating the story
    • informative facts given
    • identities  of interviewees as they speak
    • handheld camera work
    • presenter (participatory)
    • voice over (observational and participatory)
    • singel strand narrative
    • graphics
    • interviews or talking heads
    • reenactment or dramatisation
    • usage of real people/ participants
    conventions (news bulletin)
    • opening graphics
    • narrator , reporter ( voice over) non diagetic
    • facts and informative information
    • perfect camera work ( camera doesn't shake)
    • real footage of real events
    • interviews
    • presenter addressing the audience directly by speaking to the cam
    • presenter is professional and serious with a formal attire.
    • multi camera set ups
    • theme tune
    • studio set
    The 3 issues that effect factual programs
    • accuracy 
    how truthful the program is, it can not lie because it is a factual programme.
    situations do not just naturally accure for the camera. they are planned and prepared prior to shooting, how the information be accurate if it is preprepared.

    the invasion of the camera will alter peoples reactions
    editing: some material will be left out things that aren't relevant or include humorous material, so by picking and choosing which clips to use could affect the accuracy.
    • bias
    leaning towards an opinion, it can be one sided.
    it has to be unbiased so you can get the facts.

    • representation
    how it's shown. the topic of the subject or people and issue can be mis represented.

    positive values of factual programmes

    • if accurate they can be really informative
    • they lend perspectives on the issues of which they are about. 
    • they keep you updated on different subjects
    • widens ones knowledge
    • shed's light on subjects
    • educative 
    • creates empathy 
    • encourage social/ political change

    benefits street

    • it was informative interms of what their lives were like
    • fly ion the wall-style
    • the participants are on benefits
    • some participants claimed they were duped thinking it was a program about community spirit 

    • it leaned more towards their point of view, there wasn't any outside view 
    • the questions where asked by interviewers

    • some participants claimed they were duped thinking it was a program about community spirit 


    • producer " its a very true and honest portrayal of life in Britain and people are frightened of it.

    • some participants claimed they were duped thinking it was a program about community spirit 
    " these are marginalised people with complicated situations being exploited for entertainment, and the thousands who have signed my petition agree with me"  

    fake footage from itv

    the use of the video gam in the documentary affected the filmmaker because after using inaccurate fake footage their reputation as filmmakers were marked and they were seen as frauds. it also affected the channel because it challenged their integrity. to me a channel that uses fake footage to mislead me as an audience member isn't a very great channel. it was stated on the article that it was a mistake and they used the wrong footage which is understandable but subconsciously my opinion of itv which was high got lower a bit. 
    the programme go affected the most because it had to be pulled down and it also received bad publicity from people talking about it from a negative light. 

    • accuracy
    people may start questioning the accuracy and reliability of future programs.

    • bias
    • representation
    it was a misrepresentation of the event.
    it also could insult memories of service men/women and also offend families

    bbc progam frozen planet-polar bears

    • accuracy
    we simply expect more of the bbc
    • bias
    • representation
    misrepresentation of the natural habitat of polar bears.
    natural programs untrustworthy 

    complaints to OFCOM about bias bbc sunday morning's live program on stoning in Iran

    complaint was made by Maryam Namazie. he stated that the bbc is guilty of presenting bias information about the Iran stoning by excluding him from the discussion it had with tow other partitioners. apparently the bbc stated during the program that stoning in rare in Iran when in fact the truth is since 2002 about 17 stonings took place in Iran. 

    section 1

    in prezi

    • define accuracy, bias and representation
    • example of accuracy, bias and representation
    • the impact of representation, bias and representation

    section 2

    what is news, what are their conventions, examples, why they are used and then their impact on the audience. 
    pass: explain conventions
    merit: examples of conventions
    distinction: explain why they are used and their impact. 

    section 3

    explain different form and modes of different types of documentaries: pass
    show examples of those documentaries and their conventions: merit
    explain why and their impact: distinction 

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