Monday 5 May 2014

unit 22/24 assignment 2 (research diary)

definition : " Maladaptive daydreaming (compulsive fantasy) is a term first proposed by Eli Somer,[to describe a condition in which an individual excessively daydreams or fantasizes, sometimes as a psychological response to prior trauma or abuse This title has become popularly generalized to incorporate a recently described syndrome of immersive or excessive daydreaming which is specifically characterized by attendant distress or functional impairment, whether or not it is contingent upon a history of trauma or abuse."

symptoms : "
Excessive daydreaming may begin as an outlet for creativity, or as a method of escaping trauma or abuse.[1] The daydreamer experiences very vivid and intricate fantasies and may become emotionally attached to the characters in their fantasies or express emotions they are feeling through vocal utterances or changing facial expressions, although most keep such behaviour hidden from others. Maladaptive daydreamers know the difference between reality and fantasy; they realize that everything they are dreaming about is a fantasy. Some also exhibit symptoms similar to Asperger's Syndrome, Achd or OCD Social anxiety and depression are often suffered by maladaptive daydreamers. A large number also find their social lives are negatively impacted by this disorder. 79% of those self-identified as having excessive daydreams had a kinaesthetic repetitive movement accompany their daydreaming, such as pacing, rocking, tapping, or shaking an object. Many others also move their hands around and make facial expressions: laughing, crying, whispering, and gesturing. Listening to music while daydreaming is common and hearing music may trigger a desire to daydream. A repetitive movement may be articulated to music while daydreaming. Watching a movie or reading a book can also trigger these desires.[4]
Many people have novel or movie type fantasies. They create their own world, with characters, settings, plots, heroes, villains, and friends. They may also imagine storylines using the characters or settings from already existing works of fiction."

sites: created by cordellia amethyste rose.

videos: -Prof. Eli Somer, Ph.D. (University of Haifa, Israel)   - suhhmantha (patient)
  Morton who is a therapist summary.

maladaptive daydreamers are people who are unhappy with their lives or have suffered some traumatic events earlier on in their lives such as : abuse, molestation, neglected as kids and many more other reasons, as a coping mechanism from all their troubles and their harsh reality they day dream a lot by creating these imaginary, characters that are based on improved versions of themselves, imaginary friends , wives , husbands. some create plot lines that they follow for many years, stories and imaginary worlds that they spend most of their times in. they are strangers to the real world as they spend little time in it.

of course there is a way to beat this disorder

. avoid triggers: triggers can be music, films, books,games, stress or bad situations
. set small goals for themselves so they can always be doing something.
. always stay busy in activities such as dance, singing ,writing, avoid being bored and isolated.
. be social and connect with real people from the real world.
. do activities such as running and sports.
. deal with their issues, talk to people and sort problems out and confront their demons
. talk therapy: talking about it means that they recognise it and aren't afraid of it anymore
. surround your self with supporting friends.
. starts writing if needed so you have something to do.
. creative art: music, art, dancing....

driving becomes dangerous, sometimes the dream is too vivid that they react to it.

movies and tv shows with similar themes.


the great gatsby 

the vampire diaries

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