Monday 19 May 2014

unit 22/24 assignemnt 2 (step by step plan)

Step by step plan.

# int: college’s costa coffee

Characters: James, Lucy, Jack & Andy

Action: James, Andy& Jack are having a conversation about the weekend

James looks up and notices Lucy, he zones out of the conversation and has a daydream about him and her.

* INT: Hallway

characters: James & lucy.

action: james is following lucy, theyre walking slowly as she seduces him with her eyes and body language.

*INT: College's costa coffee

characters: Jack, James, Andy, Lucy.

Jack and Andy notices him day dreaming so they throw objects at him to see if he notices, he regains consciousness and they start laughing at him. they try convincing him to go and talk to her but he refuses claiming that Lucy is too smart therefore he has to find an excuse to talk to her so his intensions aren’t too obvious. Lucy gets up and goes to her lesson, she drops her bracelet down, the boys pick up and gives to James, having found the perfect excuse to talk to her he sets off to find her before she reaches her lesson.

Camera shots/ movement

. Mid- two shot of Peter & Jack with James’s face hidden from the camera, the camera pans towards James’s back showing his optical vision direction, as James zones out of the conversation the camera focuses on Lucy and zooms into her from James’s over the shoulders point of view.

. when first showing Lucy: mid shot of her left side of the body.

. From James over the shoulder point of view, camera zoom into Lucy, she has her back to the camera but turns slowly and looks at James, camera zooms into James as he stares at her isolating from the conversation  and goes into a day dream.

 # int: colleges hall way

Characters: James, Joe, Lucy, Alexander, Joe’s friends.


James is on his way to find Lucy, he opens the door to the hallway and sees her with her boyfriend. He’s devastated about it, Lucy notices him and smiles, Lucy’s boyfriend see’s the way she looks at him and isn’t too happy about it he quickly put the bracelet into his pocket, Lucy quickly regains his attention as an attempt to distract him , she says her goodbyes and goes into her lesson. James walks past Joe with his friends, almost starts a fight but is interrupter by alexander, alexander gets James to go into his lesson, and tells Joe and the rest to go to theirs.

Camera shots/ movement

. As James opens the hallways door the camera zooms up to him and stops as he sees lucy and her boyfriend to show his facial expression. The camera moves to his back giving the audience his over the shoulder’s point of view. The camera zooms into Lucy and Joe as she notices James, Joe’s face is hidden from the camera as he’s talking to another girl in the other direction. Mid shot of James walking on and putting the bracelet back into his pocket.
.handheld camera follows Joe from his over the shoulders view, cuts to James's over the shoulder's point of view. They bump into each other , 360 camera movement around them to quickly build the tentsion up.
. 360 camera movement as James and Joe have their intense scene.

. camera zooms up from feet to head as alexander makes his first appearance.

# int: classroom

Characters: Alexander, James, Lucy and students
Alexander walks in and starts his lesson, whiles his teaching James disappears into another day dream.
#int: classroom
James has a daydream in which him and his friends are playing an intense game of poker instead of paying attention, Lucy is sat next to James as his good luck charm, it looks like they're in the 1920's
#int: classroom
Alexander notices that James is day dreaming, he shouts his in name and gets him out of the daydream, everyone in the room laughs. He ends the lesson and dismisses everyone.

As they make their way out of the class James bumps into Lucy, "I'm sorry" says James," oh its okay don't worry, hehe, says Lucy, as she's about to go he calls her back goes to hive her bracelet but Alexander calls him back for a quick word, making him miss his opportunity with Lucy.

James goes back to have a word with Alexander, they sit down and Alexander makes him aware of his lack of bad grades and the possibility of being kicked off his course if his slack continues.

# int: classroom
Characters: James and Alexander.

Action: as Alexander talks, James has a daydream in which Alexander is preparing to torture him, as soon as the torturing begins, James regains his consciousness.
Torture scene
 The camera shows the mese en scene and it looks like some one has been beaten or hurt there, James is tied to a chair with his mouth closed with a rope, the camera zooms into this Alexander with his back to the camera. He has a knife in its hands , he approaches James "you see your actions dont just affect just you, the affect those around you too, your lack of productivity is affecting my reputation as the perfect teacher and the classes performance, I think id be doing a whole lotta people a favour by ending you right now"

# int: classroom

Characters: Alexander and James

Action: James regains his consciousness but he's very disturbed about the daydream as it was extremely vivid and terrifying. He gets up and walks out dramatically, Alexander is both shocked and confused about the whole situation.

*EXT: outside college building.

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