Monday 12 May 2014

unit 22/24 assignment 2 final treatmemt

Short film treatment.

Maladaptive Daydreaming and Fantasy Prone Personality Disorder are all Disorders of the mind, a patient who suffers from such Disorders day Dreams constantly , their Daydreams are often inspired by their deepest desires, alter egos, and even things around them. The biggest dangers those patients face is the ability to separate Daydreams from reality.

In a tutor group lead by a foul mouthed, hot headed tutor (Alexander) is James, James Harley, a kind hearted and passionate teenager with an extremely active imagination. James suffers from Fantasy Prone Personality Disorder, he has very vivid day Dreams which at times he can't quite separate reality from fantasy. For some time James has liked the girl across from him, Lucy Adams. To James Lucy was the absolute pinical of human beauty, there was something about her that he felt drawn to, unlike other girls Lucy had this sense of class and a sophisticated vibe. She was the Daisy Buckhannon to his Jay Gatsby, through hope he saw a happiness that he could experience with only her. But he's unable to act on his feelings due to her current relationship status. Lucy is dating Joe Parker, a self obsessed controlling boyfriend, James respected her enough he didn't want to interfere in her relationship, if he couldn't have her for the time being, all he wanted was to get to know her at least as a friend. But the truth was, she feels trapped in her relationship.

James isn't sure how he's going to approach her without making his intensions seems too obvious, his uncertainty ends when he comes across a bracelet of hers which she accidently dropped, having found the perfect excuse to talk to her, he sets off to find her and talk to her despite what her controlling boyfriend may think.
The more he tries to speak to her, the harder it gets to reach or have a moment alone with her, Joe notices James's effort and puts his guard on her even higher, Alexander (James's tutor) notices James's lack of good grades due to the amount of time he spends daydreaming, in an attempt to secure his reputation for having straight A students and he puts a closer eye on him. Will James finally get a chance to speak to Lucy before she can reach Joe after her lesson, or are the odds against him too great for him to overcome.

The main theme in the narrative is the struggle with a mental disorder which you have absolutely no control over,  James isn't very aware of what he's going through, the more stressed he gets the more horrific and vivid his daydreams gets, he also faces other obstacles such as his nemesis Joe parker and his egomaniac teacher.
As its highly relatable and compelling  this short film is targeted mainly at young Adults as well as Adults due to some dark humour it contains. The day dream sequences which James has through out the film are extremely similar to what the majority of people who suffer from Fantasy Prone Disorder have; Super Hero scenarios with fight sequences and heroic actions, a modern day Casanova who charms beautiful and attractive women and many more. By the end of the film its viewers will not only be entertained by the events that takes place in it, they will also be more aware of The Fantasy Prone Personality Disorder as it isn't known by many people and there are people who suffers from it and may feel like they can't get help, this film will help them take that step to recognising what they have and maybe earn the courage to seek for some help.

I consider this short film to be a Drama/ Action film but it also has other genres running through it such as Romance, Adventure and Comedy. throughout the whole film James's goal is to talk to the girl he likes as he is a helpless romantic. The dark comedy in the film is brought the character of Alexander as he isn't like any other teacher; he is corrupted and careless about what teacher's should do or say to students, one could say he talks without a filter.


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