Friday 9 May 2014

unit 22/24 assigmnment 2 (short film treatment)

title: untitled

genre: action, drama/comedy.

duration: 15 minutes

target audience: 15/30 male & female, based on the different genres that are in our film, we have a wide target. there is an aspect of ramance in the film therefore it will attract female audiences, the action and superhero theme in the film will attract male audience members and the fact that its based on young people, other young people will relate to it . our main target audience is people with mdd, people who daydreams alot and may feel hopless and clueless on how to live in the real world, this short film will be targetting them.

outline: Our film was inspired by real stories, its based on a young boy who suffers from MDD ( maladaptive daydreaming disorder). James Harley (Elliot) is a young 17 year old boy whose life is really harsh, he never met his father, his step dad is abusive both verbally and mentally, he has no friends and very depressed. as a coping mechanism he day dreams a lot and wonders off in him imagination where he has adventures and many beautiful scenarios that his mind creates for him, but by doing that he is missing out on real life and isn't really living.

James Harley (played by Elliot Dugdale), sufferes from MDD (maladaptive daydreaming disorder) which he has always hated about himself and also known at the school for having a few episodes which is mainly the reason why he is alienated. he's daydreams are inspired by things around him, but mostly himself as a superhero or a modern day cassanova due to how shy and insecure he is around girls and how defenceless he is around the school bullies.
 trying to get his life back together and start living in the real world with the help of his therapist, james goes back to college after the summer holidays with a slightly more positive attitude towards life than he usually has. he arrives to college and finds himself in the same situations as always, daydreaming in classes, eating lunch and spending breaktime alone with no friends and ofcourse being the target of bullies.
 He is assigned an assignment from his performing arts class by his humourous, foul mouthed and slightly corrupted hot head of a teacher (played by Emmanuel Shema) that requires him to work in pairs with the new student lucy adams (played by charlotte makin). During their work lucy notices james's struggles and helps him reconnect with the real world. Before he knows, he finds himself behaving like a normal teenager, trying to impress her, but will he get out of his mind and stay in the land of the living or will the bullies and other students get to him, forcing him to retreat back in his immagination and possibly having another scene causing episode?.

Visual elements

costume: the characters would be dressed as young teenagers, but during james's daydreams he would be wearing a suit aswell as the hooded superhero costume inspired by the assasins creed video game.
mr alexander would be dressed a youthenised teacher: jacket, shirt, skinny jeans and some black shoes.
lucy adams will be dressed as a normal young teenage girl with a great sense of fashion, but during her performance scene: she would be dressed in a long backless white dress, some heels with make up. her look would pay homage to the 1920's.
the villain in james's daydream would be dressed in all black with a mouth mask covering the lower part of his face to bring attention to his menacing eyes.
the girl's in james's day dream would be dressed in dresses, long heels and with their hair done to make them desireable ( after all the are characters created by his imagination.

light: the film will be shot on sets that are brightly lit as well as colourful, but the day dream sequences will have a different colour tone so they can be seperated from reality. the superhero sequences will be shot in slightly dark set to create a mystery around the villain. the performances sequence will be shot in a retro colour wash to pay homage to the olden days.

rational: i chose this idea because this film has a lot of elements to it that are exremely mazing and we would be ale to combine alot of genres in one short film. i was very moved by the research i read on maladaptive daydreaming and also by the personal experiences people have had, its a great apportunity to shed some light on this issue that is underlooked and also help people that suffers from it. by including artistic skills to the characters persona and the ability to use his extremely active immagnation to influence his creative projects we will be highlight a huge silver lining that people with MDD fail to see. ofcourse shooting the fight sequences in his superhero scenario or the performance of at last by etta jones performed by both james and lucy will be amazing too. but the stories behind each characters are what will draw people even more towards this film. my self and chalotte have done some theatre performances so we will bring our skills and have some creative in put to the performance scene, elliot has and ryan torr (playing the villain) have some experience in martial arts training so the choreography in the fight scenes will be excting and ive had some experience in directing some previous projects ( college assignments) so has everyone else and the fact that its our first attempt on a short film means our fresh take on it will be new and better.

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