Friday 8 November 2013

documentary project notes

unit 3 research techniques-research your doc
unit 2 communication skills- communicate the ideas for your doc
unit 1 pre-production - plan your doc

outcome 2
outcome 3
unit 1 assignment 1 (15th november) 
        how to write it

use blog post using headings.
. the assignment is about finding out how a documentary is made.
use the ppt and answer the questions under each heading
subheadings: .
. time : - what is a shooting schedule
           - why is it important to have a shooting schedule
           - how long does it take to get clearances for music/ clips: get clearance from the owner of copy              write, for clips you have to get clearance from the produces of that clip to be able to use it

. personnel : - from a documentary / ies of your choice, look at the credits, research the crew members                          (camera, sound, researchers etc) what have they worked on before, what qualifications/                           experience do they have? ( imdb)

                    - why is it important to get the right crew ?- because you want experienced people who                              knows what they're doing

. finance : - where do you get the money from to make a documentary? how did the documentary you                       have watched get funded?_ production company, lottery, .....
                - how much is it to clear music or lips from other tv/film companies?

. locations: - where was the documentary you have chosen filmed ?- list different locations;rooms ,                               office
                  - what did they have to do to get permission to film there?
                  - make sure you have commented about why you get permissions

. facilities : - from the same documentary, find out what equipment they might have used, any specialist                       kit that they needed.
                 - what camera, sound, or editing equipment will you need to make your documentary, what                           are the technical specs of these
                 - what are the cost of hiring things like this?
                 - why is having the right kit important

. materials\ copyrights : - from a documentary you have seen what archive or materials from other                                                films/programmes have they used who would they need to get clearance from to                                       use this footage?

                                    - have they used popular music, who would they have get the clearance from?
                                    - what is a clearance/ copyrites and who do you pay to get one?

. materials/contributors : - from a documentary of your choice, find out who the contributors were, who                                            have they interviewed? were their any specialist advisors they needed to                                                    make the documentary?

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