Thursday 7 November 2013

unit 3 research techniques notes

describe it -pass
use an example-merit
compare example and decide which is better- distinction

types of research

qualitative- opinions from people for example : film review , discussion , reaction to television programme.

quantitative: numbers and data, for example: audience viewing figures, dvd sales, box office sales, audience breakdown by group

advantages of qualitative :
. results guide a project to success ( feedback )
. can inform future research
. its a rich source of information

disadvantages of qualitative
. can be tricky to get exact results
. findings are a result of lots of variables (where, who and when)
. has the impression of being less valid

advantages of quantitative
. easy to analyse (clear results from graphs, charts etc).
. facts can be used inn your favour

disadvantages of quantitative

. results are without detail - binary usually
. doesn't inform you for future research

research method
primary research- research undertaken by yourself or your group- first hand
 .interviews , focus groups, questionnaires, participating in internet forums.
 secondary research- previous research undertaken by others that you can use to inform your own research
. book, internet, magazine, reference books, archive footage, photo library, online articles, searching internet forums
data gathering agencies- certain agencies are set up to gather and publicised information
.barb (broadcasting audience ratings board) - tv rating

primary research is
adv:reliable , up to date.
dis: time consuming, expensive, not easily accsessible

secondary research
adv: inexpensive, easy to access, immediate, it can be greater detail
dis: quickly out of date, can be unreliable, may not answer everything,

purpose of research:- content- the story, what its going to be about, what sources of information might you need- interviewees? what kind of data will be the best: qualitative

equipment: you will need quantitative date and a bit of qualitative
crew:  quantitative , primary research or secondary
cast: qualitative

audience research:- audience profiles- can be broken into different groups:
. socio-economic status 
 a  - upper middle class - doctor
 b  - middle class - team leader
 c1  - lower middle class  - teacher
 c2 skilled working class  - tradesman
 d  - working class  - factory workers
 e - lowest level of substance  - state pensioners

geodemographics/ regional identity: identifying one self by nationality
age : the age group that people associate themselves with could be defined as an age range, such as 15-20 or as a descriptive grouping such as teenager, young adult, middle ages, senior citizen.
gender: males or females
sexuality: aimed at both
race/ethnicity: people may choose to define themselves in relationship to geography
mainstream: loves x factor and other equally uplifting shows
alternative:hates x factor and prefers.....
niche: lives in a tiny little world

audience research which includes...

market research:
. competition _ what's already out there - successful documentaries already out, documentaries with similar content

. competitor analysis -why were competitor documentaries successful? content style , film maker/presenter
. advertising placement - how should the documentary be marketed? viral videos, trailers, depends on who
. what kind of data is best for this both for different reason

example  " the first bit of research we undertake maybe some production research into documentaries content-production research is any research that relates to the producing of a media product such as the content equipment cast or crew .
one topic we may be interested in is ... we could start with some secondary research on.., this would be the best place to start as it is easy to access and expensive. for the content qualitative data will be better option over quantitative as it is rich in detail and gives us the potential for further research into the plot of the documentary" - example of a paragraph

research plan : have your documentary as a starting point
                       no more that 1000 words
                       deadline: 18/11/13 monday
 using examples: why is it a good examples ( it may not be the first one you dind?)
is it easy to analyse
why did you choose that example over others
how does the example change/confirm your understanding

opening- whats the plan
production: qualitative
audience research

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