Monday 18 November 2013

unit 3 assignment 1 (upgraded version)

Documentary research
qualitative research : qualitative research is consisted of great detail such as interviews, film review...
quantitative research:quantitative research is consisted of numbers, data and figures : box office numbers, audience number...
primary research: primary research is research that is taken from first hand for example: interview
secondary research: secondary research is research that is taken from other peoples opinion or work for example: internet , books, magazine

Making my documentary on “ the effect of music on today’s audience” the first research that would I would be required to do is production research, I would have to research my equipment as in which camera I would need to use , which mics ,or editing software would be the best for me. I could either use quantitative research or qualitative research ; qualitative research would inform me on people’s opinions of the equipment, the types of equipment and how powerful they are such as cameras and quantitative research would be  the amount of cameras and other equipment and their cost I would need to make my documentary, as far as methods go I could use primary research as I ask fellow filmmakers about the equipment and their opinions on them or secondary research which would be reviews on the equipment online. But overall my choice will be to do some qualitative research over quantitative because no matter how many cameras I get they won’t be as to me if they’re not the right ones ,and my preferred method is primary over secondary simply because it is far more reliable and up to date .

During production I would also need the right personnel to work with (crew) which would require some research, such as qualitative research to find out what specialists I need and what they do: camera man, sound recorder… and also quantitative to know how many camera men I would need and so on but I do think that qualitative research is a rich source of information therefore I would know which crew members to get, getting the right crew is far more important than getting many crew members. But of course Id back It  up with some primary research because as it is reliable I would know about that person from his format working colleagues and the information would be more accurate as when if I did secondary research buy reading just his cv he or she could misguide me.

Location is also an important part of production so in order to know about which location would suit my documentary I would use some qualitative research online or magazines and some quantitative to know how far those locations are and what the cost is to gain permition to shoot in those places ,overall my final choice would be qualitative because as a great man once said “numbers don’t lie” therefore it would be much better than quantitative because it is much clearer easy to access , secondary research would be my option too over primary because with the use of primary research as I interview someone about a location they could give me the wrong directions so secondary is my choice because Google maps is much more reliable than a stranger on the corner of the road.

After post production the reviews of my documentary would be very important therefore qualitative research would help me find out what people thought of it and I would use primary research to interview the audience after viewing it , in order to find out how many people went to watch it and how well it did quantitative research would help me find out the box-office numbers and how many tickets the film sold ,in the end qualitative research would be better than quantitative whiles researching reviews as it is much more detailed but quantitative research would be better than qualitative research in order to find out how many people went to watch it or their age group as it is easy to access and easy to analyse. A better research method would be secondary over primary because people could be wrong about the stats but going on the box office site would pride us with accurate information.

Audience research
Before researching the audience you must be aware of their categories and their characteristics along with the audience profiles such as men 16-34, men abc1, men c2de, men 55+, women 16-34, and women abc1. Women c2de, women 55+, housewives with children, children, boys & TV girls and TV.
Quantitative research would be useful to research stats and data such as how many women watch a certain type of documentary or the percentage of the age groups that went to watch a similar documentary , qualitative research could be used to find out what type of audience would like your documentary whether its mainstreamers national geographic documentaries, alternatives who hates geographic documentaries and prefers political ones or niche who are quite specific on which documentary they watch , but researching an audience for my documentary quantitative research would be my option as it would provide me with information that is straight forward such as box office sales of other documentaries that are similar to mine , age viewing groups and more where qualitative would provide me with time consuming unnecessary information. secondary research would also be more profitable than primary as it would provide me with much more greater detailed information from sites and more.

 The market research for my documentary would be qualitative over quantitative to find out what my competition is and what method they used for their documentary because it would provide me with richer information, quantitative over qualitative to find out if they were successful or not by checking their box office numbers simply because the information would be easy to analyse, clear and also not time consuming. I would use some secondary over primary research for the advertisement to find out how many trailers and posters I would have to make to keep my targeted audience excited by looking at past successful documentaries and how many they used because secondary research would provide me with more and accurate past information from official sites.
doing research for audiences, marketing and production is really important because it leads you to a successful project ,research on marketing helps you distinguish what audience is it you would want tot target and how to target them , marketing research helps you to find a great marketing strategy that's suitable to your project and would lead to success such as box office success and production research helps your product come to live in a much organised and professional way such as researching the right crew, equipment and more.. but of course all these research are research differently ; some are well researched better with quantitative than qualitative research such as box office sales and others are researched better with qualitative research than quantitative as qualitative would possess much more information for example film reviews . methods are the same too secondary outweighs primary in a case of finding out  information easily with greater detail and primary research is better than secondary in a case of finding out up-to-date information , it is important to k now when to use which.


  1. Emman well done on completing this assignment it is well thought through and generally correct. You successfully use examples of the purposes of research to highlight the differences between each research method and data (this is distinction grade work). There are times unfortunately when you mix up the words and incorrectly use qualitative and quantitative - remember qualitative relates to opinions and detail whereas quantitative relates to numbers and yes and no answers. Take a look at the section relating to location research, although there are other areas too.

    This is the only thing stopping you achieving distinction so make sure you act on it. Any amendments should be done in BOLD so that it is clear for me to see. Well done. This work is currently MERIT standard.

  2. Final Feedback
